Anyone from HF @ Blizzcon?

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I'd love to buy two sets of the Diablo Gel Stress balls

I could paypal you the cost of the item, plus shipping plus something for your troubles


well damn...

They really need to make this shit more open to the public, they'd make a fortune if they made the Blizzcon stuff available for sell there, open for sale online to anyone. Leave the goodie bag shit for the attendees but the rest, come on.. It's bad enough they never move Blizzcon around (it's always in California right?) but attendence is so limited, costs so much, etc

If these requests had been made prior to the actual convention, something could probably have been done...


Staff member
If anyone went would you be interested in doing a piece on my site about it? What turned you on etc.

PS FYI Already talked with Ed about me asking this, he said it was cool since I link to here.
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