Anyone good at using Wordpress?

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So I got a paid theme for my new site, and I've had a little luck getting some of it set up, but theres a few parts that are broken, basically out of the box so to speak, simply installing the theme works to a degree but theres still parts that shouldnt be where they are now.

If someone can help, I can setup a admin user for the wp-admin panel and let you have access to make changes.

This is what it's supposed to look like by default (prior to changing categories, graphics etc):

And sadly this is what it looks like now:

*sigh* I can churn out content easy enough I just need to get it in a working order. Basically I want the 3rd "column" thats missing between the main colum and the last column to actually be there instead of just blank black space. If you see where it says Recent Posts, that should be in that blank black column..
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