[Question] Anyone here have a juicer?

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Dave is going on the Garth Brooks Juice Diet.

(If you get the ref you get 2 e-cookies)
Added at: 22:17
Dave does not get any cookies.

Which is just as well since he would just try and juice them...
Count the number of kitchen appliances you can plug in that you own. Count the number you've used in the last 6 months. If the number you've used is less than half of the number you own, don't buy a juicer. It'll be great for a few weeks at most, then you'll realize that unless you're juicing more than a quart a day, it's too much a pain to clean for the alleged benefit. I believe that the people who use them successfully juice stuff 2-3 times a week, and juice enough that it lasts them for the days they don't juice.

I've wanted a juicer for years, but every time I look at how much fruit I actually eat, and whether juicing would change that, I can't convince myself that I would actually use it more than a few times when I bought it, then a few times a year thereafter - it would mainly serve to take up space in my kitchen.
I have a hand juicer (not sure if that's the proper english word for it, though), if that counts. Something like this:

Pretty useful for anything citrus. I imagine it'll work on softer (round) fruits like mango or something too. Alternatively, you can chop anything that doesn't fit up in the blender and strain it the resulting mush to collect juice that way.


Staff member
Nope, I don't. But my parents used to be quite the juicers. Essentially they harvested all the black, white and red currants in their yard every summer, and for two days boiled the harvest in a special kettle with a hose dribbling the concentrated juice into bottles.

There ain't a day when they don't have at least fifteen bottles of juice concentrate at their place...


Staff member
We're looking for healthier alternatives to soda, but we want to keep it sweet. Normal juices that you buy have HFCS, which we're trying to cut out. Natural juices have sugar, but it's a natural sugar and better for you.
I don't know about prices, but you could try a farmer's market? I imagine fruit farmers might sell juices aside from regular fruits.
We're looking for healthier alternatives to soda, but we want to keep it sweet. Normal juices that you buy have HFCS, which we're trying to cut out. Natural juices have sugar, but it's a natural sugar and better for you.
Might I suggest Sweet Tea then? It won't be as good for you as fruit juice, but it will definitely be better than soda, and provide a caffeine replacement.
I realize this isn't an answer to the question you asked, but skip juice and go to water.

It'll suck for the first week. The lack if sweetness is offputting, but stuck with it. Once your tastebuds adjust, it'll be delicious. You won't even know why you liked soda to start with, it'll taste too sweet.

For when I do need something sweet, I go for tea with sugar and/or honey.
Is it safe to assume this is a fructose thing? If so, avoid juicing apples and pears. Hella fructose, y'all.

Anyway, I'd be less worried about the form of sugar you're taking in and more about the total amount of sugar. It all breaks down to glucose and fructose, and in roughly equivalent amounts.
I second the going to water. It is definitely healthier overall and if you really want flavor you can add sugar/calorie free flavor enhancers. For me I stopped drinking soda/energy drinks and it really made a huge difference in my over all health. The only part I miss is the carbonation and for that I drink club soda.
I second the going to water. It is definitely healthier overall and if you really want flavor you can add sugar/calorie free flavor enhancers. For me I stopped drinking soda/energy drinks and it really made a huge difference in my over all health. The only part I miss is the carbonation and for that I drink club soda.

Club soda with lemon is actually a pretty refreshing fizzy drink.


Staff member
We've had at least two juicers, and my sister has concluded that they're all so hard to clean that she won't be buying another.
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