Anyone interested in testing a new flash game?

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I've just about finished a new puzzle game, and I'd love to get it tested by some people.
Any comments at all would be helpful, but I'm especially interested in the difficulty of the game. I think it's a tad too easy to complete the game's 8 levels , but I've played it way too often already, so I have no idea how easy it is for other people.

EDIT: Final version is up:


I played it 3 times and was unable to get to the last level, but I'm sure I could if I kept at it. I get slowed down by reading what that guy is saying.

Doesnt seem too hard to me good work.
I have issues being able to tell to what extent I'm moving a row/column when using my touchpad, but the arrow-controls work really nicely.

Gameplay concept is solid, love the side-commentary. :D
It seems like a decent little puzzle game. But I don't think it would hold my interest for a long period of time.
I only had two issues:

1. When they aren't in the crystal, it isn't clear to me how to 'save' them.
2. Green and yellow are way too close in brightness for us red/green colorblind people. Makes it much more difficult to play. Perhaps try a darker green, or switch one of them for another color. Keep in mind that about 10% of the males in the world have some form of color blindness.

Cool game mechanism, though. You should make it for the iphone.


I played it 3 times and was unable to get to the last level, but I'm sure I could if I kept at it.
Nice, sounds like it's not too easy then. Thanks!

I have issues being able to tell to what extent I'm moving a row/column when using my touchpad, but the arrow-controls work really nicely.
Hmm, I hadn't thought about touchpads, but since the arrow controls work fine, I guess there's no problem there. Thanks!

I like the angry little dude with the power to talk in emoticons. :D
Heehee, I'm glad you noticed that one :)

1. When they aren't in the crystal, it isn't clear to me how to 'save' them.
Just make groups of the same color again, then they'll jump out of the machine.

2. Green and yellow are way too close in brightness for us red/green colorblind people. Makes it much more difficult to play. Perhaps try a darker green, or switch one of them for another color. Keep in mind that about 10% of the males in the world have some form of color blindness.
Wow, green and yellow? I was worried about red and orange being too similar, but I guess things look very different for colorblind people. I'm afraid that changing the brightness would bring it too close to the brightness of another color. I've thought about making the images for the crystals and dibblez unique for each color to make it easier for colorblind people, but it would be a lot of extra work. Maybe I should just do that anyway.


Here's a new version:

I've added 4 different display modes (click options to pick one), so hopefully there's something there for everyone, including colorblind people :)
Another addition is the pause button, which I completely forgot.
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