If you do, tell me in this thread why I'm so rad without referring to my occupation. If you don't want them, be sure to let everyone in this thread know that you already bought them or some other dumb thing like that.
I've already got them, but they're funny little RPG's built in the fashion of DragonQuest/Phantasy Star on SNES/Genesis. Pretty enjoyable games, and actually somewhat difficult in parts.
Frank fevereshly fashions fun from fermentables favoring frothy foamy firewater. Fortunate for forumites, frequent fanfare facilitates fascination for Phil.
Tl;dr frank posts in the drunk thread and I like it
Phil wins by a landslide, do you still want them? If yes, tell me Steam name.
Had some stiff competition. I'd like to thank everyone else for challenging me to push my limits.
I'll have to look up my steam name. Bbl.
I'm sad nobody else got in on this, because if you're an old-school RPG fan you're missing out.
I didn't even see this thread until just now
I probably wouldn't have beaten Phil, anyway.
I'd say try, but I already promised them to Phil. I still want you to try though. Maybe you can butter them out of me.