Anyone with a low level Horde toon...

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on this server? I'd like to get the summoned cat from the Barrens. If any one has the Echeyakee quest please send me a tell ingame or here on the board to set up the summons.

I have a thing for all the white rare pets.

I have a polar bear from level 12, and a White Worg from level 10.


sixpackshaker said:
on this server? I'd like to get the summoned cat from the Barrens. If any one has the Echeyakee quest please send me a tell ingame or here on the board to set up the summons.
I could always make one for you. The only toon I have horde side is level 71.
It is not something to go out of the way for. Just if you are in the neighborhood.

I can always go out there and beg some one to summon for me. It is hard to beg cross faction.

sixpackshaker said:
I can always go out there and beg some one to summon for me. It is hard to beg cross faction.
Here's what I'd do: park your toon wherever Echeyakee spawns. Then make an orc or troll alt, run them into the Barrens, and try to make arrangements in General chat. If you're lucky someone won't mind helping you out, and then you can flip back to your main.

I was going to offer to do this but since my only Hordie on this server is a level 6 BE (the draenei starting area made me nostalgic for Silvermoon), I can't help you much further than begging for you.
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