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Are you acne-ridden?



You should try this approach, for science!


So, does anyone have any thoughts of how this might work? Did the kid just happen to have a miraculous break-up of acne at the same time that he tried this experience? Or maybe acne is caused by people sleeping face first on dirty pillows?

I'm not sure, I've never had acne anywhere on my face, and I rarely get pimples. And I sleep on my back. Maybe that's why I am blessed with such good skin?




Possibly he had parasites of some sort? Or allergic reaction? Dunno. But if it works and there's an underlying reason, I don't see what the harm is in trying it out.



You should try this approach, for science!


So, does anyone have any thoughts of how this might work? Did the kid just happen to have a miraculous break-up of acne at the same time that he tried this experience? Or maybe acne is caused by people sleeping face first on dirty pillows?

I'm not sure, I've never had acne anywhere on my face, and I rarely get pimples. And I sleep on my back. Maybe that's why I am blessed with such good skin?
I'm guessing the 'two weeks' that he changed his pillowcase was probably two months. I'm guessing the linen towel would rub off the excess oil his face was pumping out, where a pillowcase wouldn't really do that? Maybe he was allergic to the pillowcase and his acne was really hives? I don't know, but if you have acne, it wouldn't hurt to try this method.

I had some acne when I was in my teens, but nothing horrible. I found that the more I use acne soaps, Nivia creme, oxy clean, etc... the worse my skin got. I have extremely sensitive skin to various products and for me, simple fragrance free stuff is the best. I think with skin care products and remedies, different things work for different people.




Could also be the fresh towel every night was reducing the amount of bacteria crawling from his pillowcase onto his face.




Or just the oils from his face seeping into his pillowcase were a breeding ground for bacteria that could cause acne. This is a great idea though - and very simple and cheap to do.




With all the skins cells, saliva, and sebaceous fluids combined with body heat, I wouldn't be surprised if there were tons of bacteria living on/in the pillow/pillow case.
