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Armed Robber Never Told to Report to Prison





So, dude is convicted of armed robbery and then told he'll be contacted when he's to report to prison. That never happens. 13 years later, he's turned his life around, took up a trade, had a family and basically reformed himself entirely. Well, the system eventually found out he wasn't in prison when it came time to release him. So, his house is stormed by SWAT and he's taken away to serve his sentence.

In this case, I think it would be unfair for the governor not to pardon him, but he's black, so that won't happen.

This American Life interviewed him and his victim and here's a Change.org petition.





In this case, I think it would be unfair for the governor not to pardon him, but he's black
Whelp, GG, now they'll forget to let him out.




Now he'll be "rehabilitated".




Sounds like the social scientists of the future (or the present, if they're smart) could gather some useful data about incarceration and rehabilitation from this situation, if they're paying attention.





Snap Judgement had a story similar to this, with some interesting differences. A woman was convicted through association with a drug deal and ended up getting 20 years (which was a ridiculous sentence for her crime). She ended up escaping the prison and spent 20 some odd years as a fugitive, and ended up building a whole life for herself. Finally someone caught up with her and they took her to prison. The judge ended up letting her off the hook entirely. That case should probably be used as a reference for this one. Although, I'm pretty sure she was white.




Snap Judgement had a story similar to this, with some interesting differences. A woman was convicted through association with a drug deal and ended up getting 20 years (which was a ridiculous sentence for her crime). She ended up escaping the prison and spent 20 some odd years as a fugitive, and ended up building a whole life for herself. Finally someone caught up with her and they took her to prison. The judge ended up letting her off the hook entirely. That case should probably be used as a reference for this one. Although, I'm pretty sure she was white.

Just have the lawyer add "now imagine he was white" at the end of his argument...
