Artemis spaceship bridge simulator... again

Previously, on Halforums...

My brother-in-law (My wife's brother in law? My sister-in-law's husband? I dunno.) just got into this game, so now I'm playing it. It's interesting with the projector showing the mainscreen, and everyone else around it at their own station.

I'm pretty frustrated as things aren't very responsive (helmsman, at least). We're playing over the internet, with a few stations here in Michigan and the server at his house with a few stations there in Washington. This could be the main source of the problem.

Anyone else playing? Is there more to it than "find a ship", "blow it up", "get/trade resources/weapons"?
I've played this in person at a party type thing, and it's tremendous fun. We even had another computer set up in a bedroom down the hall that was "the engine room" and we had to yell there or run an ensign down the hallway to deliver messages.