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Ask A Newbie Anything



Hi there,

I've lurked around for longer than I care to admit but with the first year anniversary coming up I figured this is a good time to get posting and the AMA threads seem a really cool way to introduce myself, so Halforums ask me anything!




How'd you find us in the beginning? PVP link?

Are you one of many?

Will you stop posting after a day or two?

Are you as delicious as you are new to posting?

I must know these things.



How'd you find us in the beginning? PVP link?
Yeah I date all the way back to the Image Forums and have followed the community ever since.

Are you one of many?
Not sure. I hope so. :D

Will you stop posting after a day or two?
I will be a regular from now on. For better and for worse.

Are you as delicious as you are new to posting?
If I didn't taste great, I could probably give you a few hints on how to make me taste more delicious. I am a trainee chef after all.




Oh I have no problems making things taste better, but a base "bad taste" can't be changed.

I guess I'll just have to find out the old fashioned way. :twisted:


Kitty Sinatra

Why did you take soooooo long to coming out from the lurker shadows?

Also: When the sun goes down, the rain begins to pour and the wind blows through the trees, what are you doing?



What does WWHRD stand for?

What Would H... R... Do ?
Henry Rollins

The guy is one of my heroes.

Why did you take soooooo long to coming out from the lurker shadows?

Also: When the sun goes down, the rain begins to pour and the wind blows through the trees, what are you doing?
Not sure, I just thought it was about time I gave something back to the community which has entertained me so much for three or four years.

When it's miserable weather-wise (It often is, I live in England) I'm normally playing a game, currently working my way through Torchlight and Dragon Age or I'm at my local games store playing Dungeons & Dragons, Magic: The Gathering or Hordes & Warmachine.




Would you kill the Dragon queen of Nazpil if she stole your nachos?





Stick around dude! We need more HR.




Who makes you laugh the most?




What about HR makes you go all weak in the knees?


Fun Size

Fun Size

How do you feel about Henry Rollins collaborating with old Star Trek actors?



Would you kill the Dragon queen of Nazpil if she stole your nachos?
Hell yes. No one messes with my Nachos. No one.


Stick around dude! We need more HR.
Nice! Always cool to meet another Rollins fan.

Who makes you laugh the most?
No one person, it really depends on my mood but here is a top 3:

1. Stephen Fry
2. Henry Rollins
3. Phil Jupitus

What about HR makes you go all weak in the knees?
Well I have been a fan of Black Flag since I was a kid and then I moved on to his spoken word stuff as a teenager, then when I turned 21 I received the book "Get in the van: On the road with Black Flag" which a journal he kept since he joined Black Flag up until the band split.

That was what really turned him into one of my heroes. He gave it everything, didn't take any crap from fan or foe and even though he tried and tried they never made it big, even in punk circles at the time but now a lot of modern punk and hardcore has a ton to thank them for.

His personal thoughts have helped shaped my own, especially his views on racism and sexual equality. Sorry, didn't mean to turn that into a mini essay. :(

How do you feel about Henry Rollins collaborating with old Star Trek actors?
I find it very funny personally and I bought Has Been for that track alone.


Steven Soderburgin

What are your top 5 favorite movies?

I will be judging you on your answers.



1. Transformers 2: Revenge Of The Fallen
2. Transformers (The Michael Bay Edition)
3. Jennifer's Body
4. Both the Twilight Movies
5. The Godfather Part III

Real answer:

1. The Godfather Part I
2. Full Metal Jacket
3. Lord Of The Rings Trilogy
4. The Dark Knight
5. Gladiator


Fun Size

Fun Size

Oh, this one I like.


Kitty Sinatra

Do you chant "I get so tired of all the drama, I get so tired of all the drama" while reading some of the threads here?



Do you chant "I get so tired of all the drama, I get so tired of all the drama" while reading some of the threads here?
Not really. Don't get me wrong I abhor drama but I understand when you have lots of people with opposing view points it is bound to happen. Ignore it and it goes away.


Kitty Sinatra

huh. So do you listen to Rollins Band stuff?

"I get so tired of all the drama, I get so tired of all the drama" is a line from a spoken word thing set to music on his album Get Some Go Again.



How do you feel about Rollins being in Sons of Anarchy?



huh. So do you listen to Rollins Band stuff? "I get so tired of all the drama, I get so tired of all the drama" is a line from a spoken word thing set to music on his album Get Some Go Again.

Heh, I will concede I think the last time I listened to a whole Rollins Band album was about a week or so ago and that was "Nice". I do also have a terrible memory. :(


How do you feel about Rollins being in Sons of Anarchy?
I liked SoA before Rollins became involved. I'm not saying why in fear of spoilers.


Kitty Sinatra

Oh. Johnny Mnemonic. Would you have done that?




I maybe biased because I loved the short stories but hated the film.


Kitty Sinatra

So what else has HR done that you won't? :p



I'd say most of his IMDB entry is a guide in how not to do a film career. I do not think the guy is without fault, I'd say he's turned in to a bit of a hypocrite now. I enjoy the music, writing and spoken word stuff and that's about it.


Kitty Sinatra

Mind you, Johnny Mnemonic was a sensible choice: Keanu Reeves was a rising star, and William Gibson was a big name scif-fi guy.

---------- Post added at 10:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:40 PM ----------

Also, just looked him up on IMDB. I did not realize he'd done that much TV and film.



How do you feel about Rollins being in Sons of Anarchy?
I liked SoA before Rollins became involved. I'm not saying why in fear of spoilers.
Well you could put a spoiler tag on. Or PM me.

I loves me some SAMCRO, but very few people I know watch it.



How do you feel about Rollins being in Sons of Anarchy?
I liked SoA before Rollins became involved. I'm not saying why in fear of spoilers.
Well you could put a spoiler tag on. Or PM me.

I loves me some SAMCRO, but very few people I know watch it.[/QUOTE]

Firstly, I love me some custom Harleys. Spoiler-wise I love how SAMCRO is now starting to implode in and around it's self.

What's your favorite drink?
Alcoholic : Wychwood's Hobgoblin
Non-Alcoholic: Cherry Coke




Who would win in a fight: HR or CNR?



Firstly, I love me some custom Harleys. Spoiler-wise I love how SAMCRO is now starting to implode in and around it's self.
Heck yeah. Did you see the last episode?
