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Ask David Anything




I decided it was about time I start one of these. Ask away!




What is the average temperature in Centigrade for the town you currently inhabit?




What is the average temperature in Centigrade for the town you currently inhabit?
Well, getting into this time of year it stays around 15 C, but in summer it's usually closer to 40 C during the day. So on average, too cold for half the year and too hot the other half. :D

How are ya feeling these days?
Eh... could be better. I can't find a job anywhere and the girl I have a huge crush on wants to "just be friends" and I don't know any more women. So mostly I'm feeling bored and alone.

On the plus side, I've been churning out more artwork the last few months than I probably have the last few years.




Oh and I should prolly give you some basics to work with:

sex: male
age: 20
Location: southern California
religion: atheist, raised as Mormon
relation: single
likes: drawing, movies, 3D animation, bike riding, jogging/walking, video games
education: high school diploma, some college. Working towards AS in Computer Integrated Design and Graphics. Not sure what I'll do afterward.




Tick tock.




What is the one word that always gets you riled up when used? Doesn't need to be a swearword, could be anything.
That's a good question... I'm not sure I have one. Thinking through all the offensive words I can think of, I can't think of any that would upset me. With some words, I don't feel the kind of person who would use them is at all worth my time.




Greatest strength?

Greatest weakness?

Do you like coffee? If so, how do you drink it? If not, what's the matter with you? :p




Greatest strength?

Greatest weakness?

Do you like coffee? If so, how do you drink it? If not, what's the matter with you? :p

Greatest strength: I'll go with either my artistic skills or my ability to generally get along with most people.

Greatest weakness: procrastination

I'm not a huge coffee fan, I've had it but didn't take a liking too it. I'll blame my upbringing; my Mormon mother would scream bloody murder if she saw me drinking coffee. She once freaked out at me because I came back from a vending machine with an iced-tea :confused:




Are Mormons not supposed to drink caffeine or something? Forgive me. I don't know much about Mormons.




I really don't understand it myself, I don't consider myself to be Mormon and haven't been to church in years and years. I believe the main taboo is towards hot drinks, or any drinks that were boiled in preparation. I once asked why this doesn't apply to pasteurized things like milk, never got an answer. I know caffeine does generally seemed to be frowned upon, yes. That could very well just be the way my mom is though.




I just became curious enough to look it up, looks like information I had was wrong. The hubub is against anything that can be addictive - including caffeine. And this apparently isn't a strict rule, just a recommendation.





Ah, ok. Gotcha.
