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Ask KCWM anything! - November 20th Birthday Edition!




It seems that a lot of the people posting these threads are the well known "faces" of this place. So, I figured someone like me (maybe recognizable, maybe not) could join in the fun. And if no one asks, I can go about lurking in the shadows.




I'm just a basic nobody around here...ask me anything!

What are your life ambitions?

Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?

Why should this company hire you?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

I'm just a basic nobody around here...ask me anything!

Where's Lewisville?

Best city in Texas (between San An, Austin, Houston, Dallas) ?




I'm just a basic nobody around here...ask me anything!


1) My life's ambitions are pretty simple...to be the best husband and future father that I can be. I want my kids to be able to look back and say that they had a dad that cared about them. I used to want to be a rock star, but at 31 (at least on Friday), it's not happening.

2) In five years, I see myself as either an RN or a Chef, having quit the customer service world and pursued something that makes me happy. Well, and dealing with two kids who are both the most challenging and most rewarding experiences of my life

3) The better question is why shouldn't this company hire me? I make people laugh while doing my job at the same time. Laughter helps the stress of work easier to handle.


1) While I've read some interesting tid bits about the whole thing, I'm of the thought that he committed suicide.


1) Lewisville is to the north and a smidge to the west of Dallas. It's along I-35E, more or less right before you get to Denton.

2) Best city in Texas is Austin, because of how diverse it is. But, I'd say it represents Texas the least.


Philosopher B.

I'm just a basic nobody around here...ask me anything!

Did you enjoy Lost World, and

- what are your thoughts on global warming?




I'm just a basic nobody around here...ask me anything!

Have you ever been in a Turkish prison?

Do you have any artistic endeavors or hobbies?



I'm just a basic nobody around here...ask me anything!

Is this a good week to quit sniffing airplane glue?

What would you say is your biggest self entertainment activity each week, and about how long do you do it all week?




I'm just a basic nobody around here...ask me anything!

Philsopher B

1) I never saw Lost World. I lost interest after the first movie

2) I think Global Warming is a bit of hype and political posturing. I do not believe that it's as bad as some would have us believe, but I do believe that we could do a much better job at managing our planet. I think GW is cyclical...it gets colder and warmer (why are some of the hottest temps on record in the early 1900s/1910s?), but we are preventing the planet from completing it's natural cycle.

Drawn Inward

1) My summer home is a Turkish prison.

2) I play guitar and write music. I recently picked up a USB mic so that I could record some acoustic stuff to post. I also like to say that I write. I come up with some decent ideas, but never have the follow through to actually write them. Plus I tend to write out a skeleton of a story rather than an outline, starting at the beginning and fleshing each chapter out one at a time. It's frustrating. That and my computer lost 4 of the 10 chapters of one story I was working on, so I've lost any drive to work on that for a while


1) it's never a good week to quit sniffing airplane glue. The high doesn't last that long and it's not going to prevent you from getting a job or getting fired because of it

2) My biggest self entertainment activity each week is guitar. I try to play off and on for a couple of hours a day. During the weekend, lately, it's been more like 3 or 4. I play through songs I've written and along with mp3s. It used to be WoW, but since my wife broke her wrist and hasn't been able to raid, we haven't played much at all.




I'm just a basic nobody around here...ask me anything!

It was a trolling experiment back in the day. Basically, I knew that blowhards would kneejerk and try to call me on the whole Murdered thing. As evidenced on any forum you go to, not all forumites are exactly bright and some (myself included) can put a pretty big target on themselves. I jumped all over those targets.

I can't think of a single word that gets me riled up, from vulgarities to racial epithets (did I just use that word right?). I'm pretty desensitized.




I'm just a basic nobody around here...ask me anything!

It was not until this very moment that I realized what you are talking about. Your name.

Kurt Cobain Was Murdered.

Classic! God, I'm behind the curve on this one ain't I?




I'm just a basic nobody around here...ask me anything!


1) No, you're not really behind the curve. I just didn't do a very good job of explaining myself. When I typed that up, I didn't want to come across as being as pretentious as I am capable of being. I like to hear myself "talk", but not everyone likes to listen. I tried to keep it simple. I failed.

I know that wasn't necessarily your question, but it works.




I'm just a basic nobody around here...ask me anything!

I meant I was behind the curve on what your name meant. I seriously didn't know.




I'm just a basic nobody around here...ask me anything!

I meant I was behind the curve on what your name meant. I seriously didn't know.

I know. I was just giving you a hard time. It got lost in translation.



Ask KCWM anything!

You said 'epitaphs' for 'epithets' otherwise right om.

KCWM-crime against humanity or "One down, three to go!"?

---------- Post added at 10:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:58 PM ----------

Note Epitaph 1. An inscription on a tombstone in memory of the one buried there. 2. A brief literary piece commemorating a deceased person




Ask KCWM anything!

Thanks Dusty. It's a word I don't ever use, so that's what I get for trying to be smart.




Ask KCWM anything!

Huh, that's what KCWM stands for?

I did not know that.




Ask KCWM anything!

Eh, now it's just an "easy for me to remember" forum name that isn't all that common. It used to be my gamertag on XBOX Live, but I couldn't remember the card number for the account, so I canceled it. Now, it's SF59. I have a thing for 4 letter names, if I can get away with it.
