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Ask makare anything



This thread is Denbrought's fault because he has failed to entertain me and I am really bored tonight.

So go ahead and ask me anything. I however reserve the right to ignore questions without acknowledgment or cause. Snarky questions are the most likely to receive that kind of treatment.

Also, any thread I post in is probably not the place for grammar nazis just fyi.



<cracks his knuckles> SOooooooooo.......

..... what's your favorite color?



The blue that is called Electric blue but green is a close second.

Although to look around my room someone would surely think it was purple for all the purple stuff I own. Damn Walmart and their color coordinating.


Shaw Coyote

Shaw Coyote

What got you interested in studying law?



What got you interested in studying law?
Well, I am ashamed to say at no point did I decide to study law. I simply decided to go to law school. The way that happened was I left campus a few years ago and went back to my home town where I took generals and online classes at a local school. Later I decided to return to the main campus and finish up my English Lit degree. I ran into my friend Julie and said I was heading back to the school and she said, "oh sure the law school is down there right?" I said yeah but I wasn't going to law school. Later I was thinking to myself," hey I could go to law school." and from there on I decided that was what I was going to do. Within a year I had applied and was accepted. That was all the thought I gave it haha.

I have always been interested in the law though and how it has formed public policy and how public policy in turn has formed it. So it is a good fit for me. But I never really thought, I want to study law because....


Kitty Sinatra

If you're so inclined could you relate your favorite date?



If you're so inclined could you relate your favorite date?
What do you mean what I would want to do as my favorite date potentially or the date that I have actually had that was my favorite?


Kitty Sinatra

Well, let's make it a twofer and say I asked for both of those.:)




Hah, I was wondering what was Den's fault! Now I know.

Oh, right, a question. If you had to play a card game (poker deck), what game would you play?



Lol ok.

My favorite date that I ever went on we, no lie, went fishing. We spent the day by the river hanging out and talking and ate picnic food. It was really fun and I love to fish.

If I was going to pick a date I wanted to go on I would want to do something unique but where you could still talk. So maybe like dinner at the park or hanging out and watching a movie we'd both seen so we could talk through it. Extra points for a bad movie we could both have fun bashing mst3k style. Haha. I am pretty simple when it comes to dating.

Although I would probably try a lot of things the one thing I would not want to do, even though it seems to be really popular on here, is going dancing. If a guy asked me to go dancing I would pretty much conclude that we were not going to be having a good time together anyway. Lol.

Hah, I was wondering what was Den's fault! Now I know.

Oh, right, a question. If you had to play a card game (poker deck), what game would you play?
I would play speed I think. I love that game. But I also love playing gin with my friends Rachael and Gianna because they are super competitive and I am not. It's really funny.




Brad Pitt comes to your door, oiled up and wearing nothing but a thong. How do you proceed?



Brad Pitt comes to your door, oiled up and wearing nothing but a thong. How do you proceed?

Brad Pitts getting kinda old. We need a new sex boy for this sort of question.


Shaw Coyote

Shaw Coyote

Chaz comes to your door, oiled up and wearing nothing but a thong. How do you proceed?



No way, age is just a number Brad Pitt still looks super fine. I would be slightly disappointed though, doing the undressing myself would be half the fun :(

Hmm Ill have to think about this one... but let's just say there would be much "proceeding".
