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Ask Me Anything: ThatNickGuy Edition



CajunGal had the great idea of using this funny little subforum for Charlie Don't Surf's game, so go ahead.

No question unanswered! Fire away!

Areas of expertise: Comics, obviously, but also some wrestling, exercise (including jogging, yoga, weight lifting, etc; lost 45 pounds, ya know!), writing, movies (I work at Blockbuster, ya know) and older video games, especially adventure games.




Maybe add some areas of perceived expertise so people know what you'd feel most comfortable answering questions about? That may prompt other people to ask you questions. CDS's thread was predominantly movie-related because of that.




Superman Vs The Hulk

Who wins? :twisted:



Adammon: Done!

Heh, Superman. He's got a greater range of powers that leave him different ways to beat the big guy.

Plus, with Lex Luthor's armor, Braniac, etc, he's used to beating guys wearing green. :)



What is your full name and social security number?



What is your full name and social security number?
Zothar Babolinkizisap

Unfortunately, I don't know my SSN, as it's kept confidential with the MiB.



Why do you cry so much?



Why do you cry so much?
Depression. Life long, unable to cure, Situational Depression.



Why do you cry so much?
Depression. Life long, unable to cure, Situational Depression.[/QUOTE]

would naked hugs help?



Yes! :D



Is it true you are able to suck you own wang?




What is your family background vis-á-vis nationality?




Is it true you are able to suck you own wang?
He hasn't answered you because he's right this minute trying to find out.




Is it true you are able to suck you own wang?
He hasn't answered you because he's right this minute trying to find out.[/QUOTE]
And again several minutes later just to be sure it wasn't a fluke.




1. Did you start Yoga just to meet chicks?
2. What prompted the reason to start losing weight/working out?




Do you like to cook? If so, what's your favorite thing to cook?




Who is the reigning champion of the Unlimited Class Wrestling Federation?


Rob King

Rob King

You're also Canadian.

How perturbed will you be when Newfoundland becomes the seat of power in this country? :D

Also, can you recommend a comic/graphic novel to me? I've never been into the superhero thing, and I'm not sure I care enough to get into the mythos at this point, so perhaps something in another direction?




Where did you go?



I was working. Will answer them all soon. Wang sucking and all.



Is it true you are able to suck you own wang?
Untrue. I'm not THAT good at yoga. Though, after years of being unable to, I can now not only touch my toes with straight legs, but the floor.

---------- Post added at 04:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:14 AM ----------

What is your family background vis-á-vis nationality?
One quarter Irish, French, English and Scottish.

---------- Post added at 04:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:14 AM ----------

1. Did you start Yoga just to meet chicks?
2. What prompted the reason to start losing weight/working out?
1) Nah. I actually like yoga; being in tune with my own body and how it works. I've learned a lot from balance and co-ordination as a result.

2) Mostly health reasons. I was tired of feeling fat and out of shape and maybe getting a little scared that I might have a heart attack when I was 35. I dropped from a 38 down to a 34 and can run 10km in an hour.

---------- Post added at 04:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:16 AM ----------

Do you like to cook? If so, what's your favorite thing to cook?
I love to cook, though I don't do it as often these days, so I tend to make the same dish very often (these days, at least for supper, I have a piece of salmon, a pile of veggies and whole wheat rice).

My favourite thing to cook? Chicken tacos, despite how messy that gets. Maybe chilli (I gotta make that again sometime; got two cans of red beans in the cupboard just waiting for it). Or just big pasta conglomerations that last me at least a week. :D

---------- Post added at 04:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:18 AM ----------

Who is the reigning champion of the Unlimited Class Wrestling Federation?

---------- Post added at 04:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:18 AM ----------

You're also Canadian.

How perturbed will you be when Newfoundland becomes the seat of power in this country? :D

Also, can you recommend a comic/graphic novel to me? I've never been into the superhero thing, and I'm not sure I care enough to get into the mythos at this point, so perhaps something in another direction?
Pff. What do you think the Maritimes are there, for? We're the first line of defense against you suckers.

You'd never make it past Cape Breton before they out-drank you.

---------- Post added at 04:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:19 AM ----------

Where did you go?
Where no man has gone before?

No, wait. I went to work. And listened to my co-worker's hilarious Ah-nold impressions.

---------- Post added at 04:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:20 AM ----------

are you still trying to suck your own wang?
I gave up.

It's hard enough to buy wang in Toronto. Heck, I even went to Chinatown to buy someone called Wang, but couldn't afford it and wow, this is sounding worse and worse as I go along with it.




Did the chinese sipher above make you think of the insignia for the Inquisition?



It made me think of Gallaga or one of those classic side scrolling space shooters. Come on, tell me that doesn't look like one of those little 8-bit ships!




whole wheat rice




That Nick Guy, What would be your Justice League dream team? Anyone, even Marvel if you're so inclined. Alternatively, Create your own JLA and Avengers.



Justice League:
Honestly, the problem with creating interesting League stories is that the majority of the roster already have their own books. Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, etc. Grant Morrison handled them the best, where they got together more as a job than anything else. But even then, you couldn't make any changes or such to the characters without the say of the editors in their own departments/books.

So, I'd make the team mostly Titans; the ones who have grown up, like Nightwing, Donna Troy, Cyborg, Starfire, etc. Throw in Martian Manhunter, because it isn't the League without him. I'd also put in Steel (as a Superman family representative) and Animal Man, due to his very versatile powers.

They're kind of going to do some of this now (as far as Titans go) with James Robinson's upcoming Justice League book but it just feels off and WAY too crowded. Or with characters that either feel forced in or out of place.

Again, if a character already has their own solo book, then they're out. No Thor, Cap or Iron Man, but Giant Man, Hawkeye and other classics would be brought in. Honestly, I HATE Marvel's Avengers teams these days and don't think Wolverine or Spidey should be on them at all.

I just think that any character that already has their own solo book shoudl be automatically disqualified. Then, there's more room for development of the characters.



Not to bump my own post, but...what's with the hilarious tags?


Rob King

Rob King

Now that this is back on my radar ...

Are you currently working on anything writing-wise? What can you tell us about it?



Not really. School, being forced to move and depression has set me back. Lots of ideas, though. Pretty much got the rest of my first novel figured out, so now it's just a matter of finishing it.

Though I did re-open a story I wrote last year and edited it. I like it a LOT more now and it's now become one of my favourite superhero short stories. Already sent it off to Thousand Faces, so I can't wait for you guys to see it.

Also Rob, didn't you say something about making a Toronto appearance?


Rob King

Rob King

Not really. School, being forced to move and depression has set me back. Lots of ideas, though. Pretty much got the rest of my first novel figured out, so now it's just a matter of finishing it.

Though I did re-open a story I wrote last year and edited it. I like it a LOT more now and it's now become one of my favourite superhero short stories. Already sent it off to Thousand Faces, so I can't wait for you guys to see it.

Also Rob, didn't you say something about making a Toronto appearance?
I am seriously considering it. I'm heading back to work very soon, and it'll be full tilt until mid-January. But after that, I figured I might pop up for a little trip. I've also been looking out for TESL certification programs, but the one in St. John's that I registered for was canceled. My real motive in going to Toronto would be to do a six-day-over-three-weekends certification with Oxford Seminars, and also to gallivant around the city for three weeks during the weekdays.




Hey, NICK! What's your favorite pun?

What's one thing a girl could say to you that would make you instantly smitten?

What's your favorite TV show? Live action AND cartoon.

Who makes you laugh the most?

Are you lying about being in your 30s? Because I still think you are. :confused:

If you had to live someplace besides Canada for the rest of your life, where would you go?



Hey, NICK! What's your favorite pun?
It's a toss-up between three of them:
1) I had a dream last night that I was a muffler and woke up exhausted.
2) I can't watch PBS or Bravo, anymore. There's too much sax and violins.
3) What position does a ghost play on a hockey team? The ghoulie! (my first pun EVER, when I was 4-years old)

What's one thing a girl could say to you that would make you instantly smitten?
I...have no idea. :(

What's your favorite TV show? Live action AND cartoon.
My absolute favourite TV show of all time? It's a toss-up, again, between Spectacular Spider-Man and Boy Meets World.

Who makes you laugh the most?
Either my old friend, Mitchell or my co-worker, Tammy.

Are you lying about being in your 30s? Because I still think you are. :confused:
*holds up his birth certificate* Born May 20, 1978. E.T. was my first movie ever and I was four years old when I saw Return of the Jedi in theatres.

If you had to live someplace besides Canada for the rest of your life, where would you go?
Given that I've done so little travelling (never left North America), I really don't know. I'd be happy in a small town community that is extraordinarily eco-friendly, to the point of not having cars, processed food, etc. Food grown organically and locally, a lot of community events, etc. Yeah, it's an impossible pipe dream, but I'd love it.




What Teenage Head song is your favourite?




I just finished The Long Halloween and I want MOAR.

What's a good TPB? It doesn't have to be batty.



What Teenage Head song is your favourite?
I...don't know who Teenage Head are.

---------- Post added at 03:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:17 AM ----------

I just finished The Long Halloween and I want MOAR.

What's a good TPB? It doesn't have to be batty.
Dude, if you want just loads of (writer) Jeph Loeb and (artist) Tim Sale? You're in effin' luck!

-Haunted Knight: A collection of some of their Bat-work before Long Halloween. Great stuff.

-Dark Victory: A sequel to Long Halloween, with a closing on the Falcone family.

-Superman For All Season: Probably in my Top 5 favourite Superman stories; possibly Top 5 favourite comic stories.

-Daredevil: Yellow - Oh, yeah. That's right. They did Marvel, too.
-Spider-Man: Blue
-Hulk: Grey
-And they're in the middle of doing Captain America: White.

Good TPB's in general?
-Superman: Secret Identity. This one tops Watchmen for me.
-Planet Hulk: Imagine Hulk got shot off into space by his peers to protect the earth. He lands on a planet where he's forced into gladitorial fights against monsters just as strong as him. A LOT of fun and my fave Hulk story.
-Flash: The Return of Barry Allen - Not to be confused with the Flash: Rebirth series going on right now. This one came out in the early 90s (ish), when fans were begging (writer) Mark Waid to bring back Barry Allan. They should've been careful for what they wished for.


Fun Size

Fun Size

Given your history of depression, do you believe your fascination with superheroes to be an escape mechanism that you use to posit yourself in a situation you find more agreeable than your own, and if so, do you believe this is a healthy escape or rather a way to avoid directly facing those issues troubling you?




WTF man? Where did you go? :(

This place is pissing me off now.:mad:




Yeah, I saw that, but it still sucks.

I don't want to be pessimistic, but things don't seem to be looking so good around here.





I said my bad.
