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Ask me anything!




You know the drill.





Do Adams rock?





Do Adams rock?




Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

how do I know the drill?




No further questions your honor.


Rob King

Rob King

Do rocks adam?




Otters or french toast?




how do I know the drill?
You use a drill gauge:

Do rocks adam?
Only when you're not looking. See? They're adaming out right now

Otters or french toast?
French toast!





Family, friends, yourself, and God aside ( I think you're religious, right?), what do you love the most?




Family, friends, yourself, and God aside ( I think you're religious, right?),
Yes, you do think I'm religious. :tongue:

And to answer the implied question, yes, I am a practicing member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon).

what do you love the most?

When I'm not spending time with my family or supporting them, friends, and God, I think I enjoy creating neat electronic things the most, especially if it makes someone else happy.

Beyond that I enjoy reading, bicycling, programming...





Should I go home on friday, or saturday?

If I go home on Friday, I won't leave until probably 8 or so and it takes me a good 4 hours to get there. However, I'll be at my friend's place in Austin, which is about 40 miles closer to home. If I leave Saturday, I'll have had to drive home and then back past my friend's place. This won't really be that big a deal if I wasn't also taking my dog home.

What do you think I should do?



After a night of drinking lots of beer, do you turn into steinman?




Should I go home on friday, or saturday?

If I go home on Friday, I won't leave until probably 8 or so and it takes me a good 4 hours to get there. However, I'll be at my friend's place in Austin, which is about 40 miles closer to home. If I leave Saturday, I'll have had to drive home and then back past my friend's place. This won't really be that big a deal if I wasn't also taking my dog home.

What do you think I should do?
Friday. Get it out of the way and visit with your friend for a bit before you leave saturday.

After a night of drinking lots of beer, do you turn into steinman?
I don't know.


---------- Post added at 11:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:07 PM ----------

favorite TV show
Hrm. If I had to choose between the following three, I'd have a really hard time:

Better off Ted





Why not just make


your auto sig?




Jack or Sawyer
Wow. Um.

See, Jack is lying to himself and doesn't recognize it.

Sawyer is lying to everyone else, but at least he knows he's lying.

I'll have to go with Jack, though.

Why not just make


your auto sig?
Because it falls behind that little line, and thus is not part of my post. That and I've gotten used to typing it - it's completely automatic for me to add it now.

In fact, I visited PA forums once, posted there, and got yelled at by the moderators because, apparently, that's against the rules. So I stick around here.




The PA forums have rules?!?

That's rhetorical. :p




The PA forums have rules?!?

That's rhetorical. :p

As busy as they are, though, I bet they have to have a good set of rules and an iron fist.



Philosopher B.

Have you been half asleep, and have you heard voices?




Have you been half asleep, and have you heard voices?
I've heard them calling my name.





Even hen no-one was talking in your surroundings? :-P




Even hen no-one was talking in your surroundings? :-P
Hens are allowed in our neighborhood, and a neighbor has several, so yes - even when hens are talking in my surroundings.





The two main characters in Veggie Tales, the tomato and the cucumber, are actually fruits. WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW?!?


Fun Size

Fun Size

Dude, Bob and Larry and just good friends. Why you gotta be so judgmental?




The two main characters in Veggie Tales, the tomato and the cucumber, are actually fruits. WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW?!?
Chuckling quietly to himself about his knucklehead kids who get all uppity about fruits vs veggies.

Besides, I'd eat bob, but larry is a nasty cucumber, and only good pickled (there's a drinking joke in there somewhere, isn't there...?)

My favorite silly song:

Like butter... on a bald... monkey...



Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

What were the last three movies that disappointed you, or you thought were bad? If you can't remember the last three or that, then the biggest disappointment?




What were the last three movies that disappointed you, or you thought were bad? If you can't remember the last three or that, then the biggest disappointment?
I was disappointed by Transformers 2 - I enjoyed it, and still would have paid to see it in the theater, but there were several points during the movie that I was thinking (and probably said), "Wait, really? I mean, come on now!"

But even giving myself a day to think about it, I can't think of any that are particularly disappointing. Pirates of the Caribbean 2 irritated me for ending so obviously as a 2-parter. At least LoTR was split in a manner that left one feeling satisfied at the end of each movie.

Keep in mind that my movie watching is rather limited, though. I don't watch rated R movies, and even then I really only see maybe 15-20 movies a year, and only 25% or so in theaters. Too much money and time.





:rofl: I love that video. I also love Barbara Manatee.




How many more kids do you intend to have?
How many overlords have you had to spawn to accomodate your rushing strategies?
What do you think about american wrestling?




How many more kids do you intend to have?
We don't have a plan right now to have more, but we haven't completely shut the door on that either (no snip, snip yet).

We've had pretty good luck with the have two, wait awhile, have two pattern (ie, each kid has a playmate even when no friends are around), but our most recent addition is just over 6 months old, and is almost 4 years younger than the next kid. So that's the strongest case for another one.

We won't make a decision until next year, though. If we have another one there'll be a good 2 years inbetween them.

How many overlords have you had to spawn to accomodate your rushing strategies?
All of my spawn are overlords. And they do rush around quite a bit... so... um... 5?

What do you think about american wrestling?
Hey, if you're into theatrical oil and sweat slicked muscle bound men grappling, that's your thing. I've watched a few bits and pieces here and there, and it doesn't interest me. I kept getting asked to be on the high school wrestling team (short, light, relatively strong due to living on a farm) but never did. I suppose if I had I would be more interested in it.

I have a few friends that are really into it, though. I admire the wrestlers for their obvious talent and commitment to their art, but... meh. I'd rather be programming.





Why do you make so many demographic polls?

Are you compiling the data?

Why do you like programming so much?

What's a neat excel trick?




You are given a "free pass" to have a hitman kill your worst enemy. How would you like it done?




Why do you make so many demographic polls?

I like shoving people in them.

Are you compiling the data?
No, not really. Once in awhile I update the halforums wiki so new users can get an idea of the forum makeup (also so I can find them later). Also because threads are deleted after awhile.

Why do you like programming so much?
It's a problem solving, creative process - how do I get from point A to point B. It's not unlike a logic puzzle.

What's a neat excel trick?
Interesting question! Let me think about that and get back to you.


---------- Post added at 01:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:41 AM ----------

You are given a "free pass" to have a hitman kill your worst enemy. How would you like it done?
I'd have the hitman kill them with old age - thus forcing the hitman to protect them from danger so that they can ONLY die through old age.

heh heh heh.

I can't think of anyone I'd want dead personally, though I suppose that I could always use my "free hitman" on idiots like Osama, but personally I'd rather see them brought to trial and tried, rather than simply being murdered.

Lots of anger in the world today, though. Glad these hypothetical free passes aren't being given out like candy.

As far as "what's the worst punishment I can think of" (which may approximate what you're getting at) - well, it's like room 101, it depends so much on the person.

I'm probably more of a Count of Monte Christo kind of guy, though. Rather than kill a man, I think they would suffer far more at losing everything except their life.





I'm getting the impression Shego is collecting room 101 type data for each of us...





I'm getting the impression Shego is collecting room 101 type data for each of us...

No idea what you could be talking about.



Fun Size

Fun Size

I just want to state for the record that I am terrified of breasts. In case that comes up or anything.

And a question: pumpkin or pecan pie?




What's a neat excel trick?
Interesting question! Let me think about that and get back to you.[/QUOTE]

You know, I can't think of something I'd consider a "neat trick" for excel. It's a tool I use daily (it's practically my go-to tool for calculating anything) - so it's like asking, "What's a neat hammer trick?"

I don't know. I grab it, use it, and never think about the process.

pumpkin or pecan pie?
Pumpkin! I used to love pecan pie when I was a kid, but the texture just doesn't appeal to me anymore. Don't know why.

A great pumpkin pie, however, beats all other pies hands down.




Pumpkin! I used to love pecan pie when I was a kid, but the texture just doesn't appeal to me anymore. Don't know why.

A great pumpkin pie, however, beats all other pies hands down.

Have you ever had a Costco pumpking pie? They're pretty good. All their pies are decent.




Pumpkin! I used to love pecan pie when I was a kid, but the texture just doesn't appeal to me anymore. Don't know why.

A great pumpkin pie, however, beats all other pies hands down.

Have you ever had a Costco pumpking pie? They're pretty good. All their pies are decent.[/QUOTE]

I don't know - but probably at some point or another someone fed me costco pie. I remember reading about their pumpkin pie operation last year:


Costco sells one pie for every 300 people in the US for thanksgiving.





What do you do to relax?




Usually movies. Try to disengage my brain from the issue by forcing something else into it. Movies are one of the few activities where my attention is completely consumed. Everything else leaves room for thinking. A movie gives me time away from the issue, and usually runs the gamut of emotions so even after bring wrung out from the day, I can re-calibrate my perspective and move back from the emotion of the issue into the logic of it. -Adam




I don't see my own signature. Weird. Maybe it only shows up on new posts? Testing...

Sure enough, there it is. Interesting!




What is the one word that always gets you riled up when used? Doesn't need to be a swearword, could be anything.

I mean, seriously!

Also boughten. As in "I had already boughten it by the time I found out you got one for me."

Yeah. There's a whole slew of, for lack of a better term, anti-words that just stand out like a thore sumb, and are completely bass ackwards.

It's like fingernails on a chalkboard for me.





Oh my God.. "boughten" is absolutely horrendous!

I know! It makes you want to punch a baby in the face!

To be fair, around family (especially my younger sister) I'll purposefully mispronounce words for fun.

Aminal being my favorite.

On the subject of baby punching, here's a relevant picture:




Steinman, there's a good one this guy keeps using in Ghost Hunter Academy: "Coheed", meaning "to form a cohesive group". I'm pretty sure the word he means is cohere: to stick together, and it bugs the hell out of me every time he says it. "Guys, we need to coheed."




Who would win an electric guitar duel to the death, Jesus or Jack Black?

And would it be epic?




Who would win an electric guitar duel to the death, Jesus or Jack Black?

And would it be epic?
I'm pretty sure Jesus would offer to die for Jack Black's wins.

It would be epic if it completely changed Jack Black's life and he wrote a new book for the bible, "The Gospel of JB" which was canonized by not only the christian churches, but also most of the Middle Eastern and Asian originating religions as well.

