Ask me something!- moss edition.

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Figured i'd jump on the bandwagon for this here ...questions thingy.

Oh, and first person to ask about 'rolling stones' gets a smack.
Not Banksy :angry:

Favourite superhero? thats a tricky one. i'd have to say at the moment, either Flash or Green lantern. I wish there were more solo speedsters in comics, and green lantern is just plain scifi awesome.
then theres superman. everyone seems to say that the characters boring, and pointless to write about. fuck those guys! when written properly *cough all star superman* the character is *still* awesome.

favourite villain would have to be ... um. ah sod it, i'll go with the joker. easy answer, but its a goodun.

and Allen, jus try it and see :ninja:
a movie that makes me feel rebellious... uh... office space? yeah. lets go with office space. *proceeds to kick the living shit out of the nearest office appliance*

I can read the discworld books over and over. and I always end up catching a stealthily hidden pun that i didn't get before, like the musician who everyone says 'are you sure you're not an elf? you look a bit elvish to me' :drum:

ron wood or charlie watts? that an odd question, why would you ask abou... oh.

Where were you yesterday at 4:00pm?

What's your favorite smell?

What's your favorite ice cream flavor?

Favorite salty snack?

Where is you sig from?
at work, waiting for five thirty.

stuff frying. fish, chips, meat, onions, whatever.

raspberry and apple mixed together. holy fuck is it awesome.

at the moment? pretzels.

a shortpacked strip, can't find it at the moment though.
Is it true that your father is Australian and your mother is a Jew from New Zealand and the two of them had to flee to England in order to consummate their forbidden love?

Element 117

How would you prefer to go, being stabbed to death in the stomach, burned alive, or being eaten alive by flesh eating insects?

What? It wasn't a fucking rolling stones question.
stabbed. no question. i cant bear the thought of a slow death like being eaten or burned. though nothing scares me more than drowning or being buried alive. *shudder*
this moss used to twitch. i used to have a nervous twitch when the weather changed. it used to freak out people who sat next to me in classes.
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