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Thread Necromancer

Thread Necromancer

Ask me anything: Thread Necromancer edition.

Ok, ground rules:

1. The cake is a lie
2. almost anything is fair game
4. Don't ask what happened to three.

Well that was fun.




Is your name George?

And are you curious?




If you could ban anyone on the forum, how many people would you ban?

Peanut butter: Crunchy, or creamy?

Lose one eye, or live with a persistent mild to severe headache which medicine cannot help for the remainder of your life?



Kitty Sinatra

Are you waiting until this thread vanishes from the front pages to answer these questions so that you can perform your necromancy upon it?


Thread Necromancer

Thread Necromancer

Is your name George?

And are you curious?
No, my name is not George, however yes, I am very curious, about anything and everything.

If you could ban anyone on the forum, how many people would you ban?

Peanut butter: Crunchy, or creamy?

Lose one eye, or live with a persistent mild to severe headache which medicine cannot help for the remainder of your life?

I would not ban anyone on this forum. I don't even use the foe list/ignore function. It's not that I love everyone here, but I definitely don't feel anyone needs to be censored. I fly low enough under the radar that I don't have to deal with to many (if any) personal attacks and no one hunts out my posts to be an asshat. Aside from all of that I value the diversity we have on this forum and even if it's not the most eloquent, most posts do end up having some value to them in some fashion, even if on the surface they are drab blabberings of the inane.

Also Peanut Butter is good in any form, chunky or smooth makes no difference and I would still enjoy it after having lost an eye.

Are you waiting until this thread vanishes from the front pages to answer these questions so that you can perform your necromancy upon it?
..... That's a fabulous idea. I should have done that.
