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Ask the Silver Jelly Anything (Bumped hoping Hylian's secret santa gets distracted.)


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

I'm bored, all my friends are offline and I have nothing to do...So I decided to star one of these threads that were the hottest thing around for some weeks. Weeks ago.
I'm never trendy...

So, c'mon, ask on!




Ask the Silver Jelly

Where'd you get your name?


Fun Size

Fun Size

Ask the Silver Jelly

And is it somehow lubricant related?

Because it sounds lubricant related.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Ask the Silver Jelly

Where'd you get your name?
Before I got internet access at home, I really liked the whole idea of the "parallel personality" you could have on the internet, so I put some thought at inventing a nice one.

At first, I decided to call me "Golden Kong". Because I like Donkey Kong and I edited a picture of him to be golden and use as an avatar.

But I later decided I wanted to have a parodic name. A name that was kind of epic but terribly ridiculous at the same time. And I had just read "The silver hand" by Stephen Lawhead*. I decided I would call me "Silver Jellypie", wich would be a brave knight... with a Jelly Pie made of silver instead of a head.

But at that point, my english was kind of lacking... and I thought "Jelly" was the word for "Jelly Pie".

So I became Silver Jelly. And I've been for almost 10 years!

And I have to say that I love my nickname. It's unique and it's still a good definiton of my personality, mixing the noble concept of siver with the mundane and silly concept of jelly.

*I'm quoting from memory, it myght not be exactly like that.


Fun Size

Fun Size

Ask the Silver Jelly

Follow up question: what is a jelly pie?


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Ask the Silver Jelly

And is it somehow lubricant related?

Because it sounds lubricant related.
If you like, I may adopt this explanation. "Well, I thought calling myself "Petroleum Jelly", but "petroleum" wasn't good enough for me. So I went with "silver". :p

---------- Post added at 08:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:54 PM ----------

Follow up question: what is a jelly pie?
A pie made with jelly!


Fun Size

Fun Size

Ask the Silver Jelly

A pie made with jelly!
Like, a full-size pie, or a hand-held thing?


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Ask the Silver Jelly

A pie made with jelly!
Like, a full-size pie, or a hand-held thing?[/QUOTE]

A full-size, full-scale, fully-operational pie.

Your rebel friends are heading for a trap!

---------- Post added at 09:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:57 PM ----------


Turns out 14 year old me was right about the meaning of the word "jelly*". More at 11.

*As in Gelatin Dessert...




Ask the Silver Jelly

Dream job?




Ask the Silver Jelly

What will you be doing in December? I'll probably be bored and feel like meeting a forumite irl :p



Ask the Silver Jelly

When are you going to post a reply to the draw a story thread???


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Ask the Silver Jelly

Dream job?
I want to be a professional writer! And I'm happy to say I'm going in that direction, because I'm actually a writer right now! (for a children's television show)...

Next step to being a professional writer? Being actually PAID for said writing ¬¬

Denbrought said:
What will you be doing in December? I'll probably be bored and feel like meeting a forumite irl :p
I have to admit I have no idea, but... How do you feel about Halo nights?

Laurelai said:
When are you going to post a reply to the draw a story thread???
Would you believe me if I told you that I think about that more or less once a month but I always end up being distracted by other stuff?




Ask the Silver Jelly

Denbrought said:
What will you be doing in December? I'll probably be bored and feel like meeting a forumite irl :p
I have to admit I have no idea, but... How do you feel about Halo nights?
I'm quite untrained at console fps, but I can learn. Sounds like a plan :D




Ask the Silver Jelly

Are you aware you bear a striking resemblance to Manchester United and England striker Wayne Rooney?


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Ask the Silver Jelly

Are you aware you bear a striking resemblance to Manchester United and England striker Wayne Rooney?

I have seen him before, and I never thought I did, but now that you say it, he could maybe be a "britishified" version of me...


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Ask the Silver Jelly

Bumped hoping Hilyan's secret santa gets distracted.




Ask the Silver Jelly (Bumped hoping Hylian's secret santa gets distracted.)

do you like exotic cheeses?


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Ask the Silver Jelly (Bumped hoping Hylian's secret santa gets distracted.)

do you like exotic cheeses?
Exotic as in african or asian cheeses, or something like that? I have never tried them.

But I do love most cheese, with a nice piece of bread or some delicious crackers!




Ask the Silver Jelly (Bumped hoping Hylian's secret santa gets distracted.)

Are you a bloody psychopath?


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Ask the Silver Jelly (Bumped hoping Hylian's secret santa gets distracted.)

Are you a bloody psychopath?
Only before a refreshing, after-work shower. After that, I'm pretty clean.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Ask the Silver Jelly Anything (Bumped hoping Hylian's secret santa gets distracte

I almost hate you for living there....


Drunken opinion of Gaudi?
NON drunken opinion of Gaudi?

No, you can't answer both questions at the same time. ^.^
The non drunken one! (I'll probably be able to do the drunken one this weekend :p)

I like Some of Gaudi's work very much, with it's very particular art nouveau style, especially stuff like the "Park Guell*"... But I don't like the "Sagrada Familia**" he is so well known for very much.

I also liked to see the technical explanations on how he worked (there's a little museum in the building known as "La Pedrera***"), even if my non scientific mind had trouble understanding them

I think the Japanese lobby to have the church declare him a saint is going a little too far, though...

* http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&source=hp&q=Park+Guell&gbv=2&aq=f&oq=&aqi=g10

** http://images.google.com/images?gbv=2&hl=en&sa=1&q=Sagrada+Familia&aq=f&oq=&aqi=g6g-m4&start=0

*** http://images.google.com/images?gbv=2&hl=en&sa=1&q=La+Pedrera&aq=f&oq=&aqi=&start=0




Ask the Silver Jelly Anything (Bumped hoping Hylian's secret santa gets distracte

What is your favorite snack?


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Ask the Silver Jelly Anything (Bumped hoping Hylian's secret santa gets distracte

What is your favorite snack?
Tough one, because even if I eat a lot in meals, I don't generally eat snacks... But I'd say I have a predilection for wavy chips ( or whatever these are called


I also love Nachos and if I can find those little salty pretzel things, I can simply go mad.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Ask the Silver Jelly Anything (Bumped hoping Hylian's secret santa gets distracte

Excellent answer
Now wait for the drunken ramblings :p




Ask the Silver Jelly Anything (Bumped hoping Hylian's secret santa gets distracte

You a fan of Firefly? Girl Genius? The Tick? Freakazoid?


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Ask the Silver Jelly Anything (Bumped hoping Hylian's secret santa gets distracte

You a fan of Firefly? Girl Genius? The Tick? Freakazoid?
I love the last two! I even own an imported collection of "The Tick and Arthur" comics. A whole series! But that's not that difficult, as it's a pretty short one.
Freakazoid is a part of my childhood thanks to my parent's strategy to have me learn english by having Cartoon Network at home. It was a foreign channel, and everything was in english!

I didn't get most of it, but I still found what I understood hilarious.

I've been wanting to watch Firefly since... I guess since I knew of it thanks to Pvp? Well, a lot of time.

I have never read Girl Genius, though.




Ask the Silver Jelly Anything (Bumped hoping Hylian's secret santa gets distracte

Do you read many webcomics?




Ask the Silver Jelly Anything (Bumped hoping Hylian's secret santa gets distracte

Do you like scary movies? If so, do you have a favorite?


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Ask the Silver Jelly Anything (Bumped hoping Hylian's secret santa gets distracte

Do you read many webcomics?
I used to, but right now I don't read any.

Let's see how many webcomics I can remember I have followed: Kid Radd, Pvp online, Penny Arcade, Shortpacked!, It's Walky!, Ugly Hill (I didn't read the ending, though!), El Goonish Shive, Order of the Stick, XKCD, Questionable Content, Dinosaur Comics, Boxer Hockey, Wulfmorgenwhateveritwascalled, That's my Sonic, Sakana Yama, Queen of wands, That Kaiju Theatre thing, Vgcats, ...

I can't think of any more right now, even if I know there have been some more... and right now I don't like some of them, but I had in the past.
