Ask this Canadian anything you want!

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I drink 50 when I can and Blue when I can't, but now live in the land of Keiths.

Anglophone with dashes of german and gaelic.

Kitty Sinatra

Alka Seltzer, Tang and a 50 - it's all over. Got a Hangover?
I haven't had a hang over since my bachelor party in 1999.

My heroes are my father, Terry Fox, and Billy Bishop.

Kitty Sinatra

perturbed is a synonym for mouth-agape-surprised-beyond-all-smurf right?
My perturbedness will be at about a 5.

Perturbed is the eyebrow raised, shake your head level of annoyed, not yet annoyed enough to mutter.
What does your board name stand for, anyway?

My Initials / My citys initials / My provinces initials

Last Christmas, was spent in New Brunswick at my wifes family's home. Our daughter had been there for a few weeks already, my wife left there with our newborn son the week before Christmas, and I had a blizzardly drive there on Christmas Eve.

I got an original Yoda doll for Christmas that year! :slywink:
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