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Asura's Wrath


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

The demo's been out for a few days on PS3 and XBL. For those who don't know, it's a crazy-ass action game akin to Devil May Cry and Bayonetta.

I'd been looking forward to this, but the demo hasn't sold me. I think it was a mistake to make both parts boss fights, because I didn't really get a feel for how the general game is played. Or, maybe that is how the general game is played (lots of Quick-Time Events and button-mashing). It felt sloppy to me, like it didn't really matter what I did, so long as I pressed buttons, except during QTEs, because that would determine the next story moment of the fight. You have to beat up the guy enough to get a big power attack, and then the next phase of the fight begins.

Everything I did felt very staged and I didn't feel I had many options for what to do--basically, punch or other punch.

Maybe the game itself will be different, but I can't say the demo made me want to purchase it at full price.




Personally, I thought it was all flash and no substance. You're right, in that it was filled with button mashing and QTE...and nothing else. Sure, it's cool looking, but if I want cool looking, I'll watch The Matrix again or something.




Man, I wish QTEs would just die out already. They were never a good idea.... EVER. They're always button commands over these awesome action set pieces that YOU can't watch because you're paying attention to the damn QTE prompts. If you're going to have a cutscene, just have a damn custscene, don't make me interact with it.

The only thing I hated about the GoW series was it's popularization of QTEs.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Man, I wish QTEs would just die out already. They were never a good idea.... EVER. They're always button commands over these awesome action set pieces that YOU can't watch because you're paying attention to the damn QTE prompts. If you're going to have a cutscene, just have a damn custscene, don't make me interact with it.

The only thing I hated about the GoW series was it's popularization of QTEs.
And the problem for Asura is, those aren't just the cutscenes. It's the whole fight.




Heavy Rain is the only game I feel did QTE right. You didn't instant lose for missing a QTE, you just carried on with the consequence.

Some of the most interesting scenes were the result of failing a QTE.




I completely agree. I really wished I could see more of the game, aside from a boss fight. The controls weren't terrible, but I was discouraged that there were SO many QTE, like you said Quotemander Prime, it felt so staged.

The art style is definately right up my alley, but I was disappointed with the environments quite a bit. Nothing special about them.

Also, I was having flashbacks, regarding plot, to God of War. He's out for revenge, and his daughter is invovled.

Here's to hoping that a friend buys it and I can borrow it. Heh. *cheap*


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Also, I was having flashbacks, regarding plot, to God of War. He's out for revenge, and his daughter is invovled.
The story seemed so hokey I didn't even take the time to consider it, but you're right. Seems like a mix-up of God of War meets Soul Reaver.

This video gives me hope that the whole game isn't like the demo, but I stand by what I said in the OP:




I totally agree.

They should've had that for the demo instead.




Games like this make me sad.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

The game is out. Not only is it exactly what the demo shows (lots of QTE, button mashing, staged fights), but apparently it's only 6 to 7 hours long.


When this was announced I was really hoping for another Bayonetta-type game. Oh well.




I'm with you Quotemander. I still like the art style, I think it's pretty fun, interesting. But the actual gameplay? No thanks.




On the bright side, I suppose it's slightly better than Final Fantasy XIII. At least you get to hit buttons while watching it.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Better than FFXIII = not difficult to accomplish.




I may pick up a used copy when it's cheap. It looks like a ton of fun, just not a 60$ investment worth of fun.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I'm not even sure it's worth a $20 investment, because as fun as it looks, I didn't find the QTEs fun at all. It's aesthetically cool, both visually and musically, and apparently the story's interesting, but I'm not gonna stomach the non-fun, not to mention the brevity. I'm just so disappointed; it held such promise before I actually got my hands on it.




The reviews I've been seeing have been mostly positive with the only drawbacks being the length and the shortness of the fighting.

I love the concept of them making it like an interactive anime(comercial bump cards, "next time on"/"previously on" and all).



The game looks like a renter. I was never a fan of replay for high score games. On the plus side though it seems to be the only game that trumps DBZ for the sheer absurdity of the power of the characters. That's a plus right?
