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awesome kids' book





Found on fark. I had forgotten all about this book until I clicked the link. As soon as I glanced at the first illustration, the memory came flooding back. It was quite a creepy book for a 6 year old to have. I can't imagine what my parents were thinking when they bought it for me.


The gruesome ghoul, the grisly ghoul,
without the slightest noise
waits patiently beside the school
to feast on girls and boys.

He lunges fiercely through the air
as they come out to play,
then grabs a couple by the hair
and drags them far away.

He cracks their bones and snaps their backs
and squeezes out their lungs,
he chews their thumbs like candy snacks
and pulls apart their tongues.

He slices their stomachs and bites their hearts
and tears their flesh to shreds,
he swallows their toes like toasted tarts
and gobbles down their heads.

Fingers, elbows, hands and knees
and arms and legs and feet -
he eats them with delight and ease,
for every part's a treat.

And when the gruesome, grisly ghoul
has nothing left to chew,
he hurries to another school
and waits...perhaps for you.



I always preferred the old childrens' classic, "Daddy drinks because you Cry."

My generation probably relates to this though:

That cover alone scared the living shit out of me.




That is a bit more odd than buying a kid a Shel Silverstein book.




Can't be any worse than:


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Can't be any worse than:

That is quite the cock-up.




I remember there was an episode of Are You Afraid of the Dark? in which some man was burned by acid. I burst into tears...

Zeke the plumber also freaked me out!




Anybody remember the Goosebumps series? There were a couple that were genuinely scary.



I remember there was an episode of Are You Afraid of the Dark? in which some man was burned by acid. I burst into tears...

Zeke the plumber also freaked me out!
lol that show would give me the creeps now I watch it and it is soo corny.




Snick! And yes that show use to creep me out too but now is laughingly funny




Those Alvin Schwartz books freaked me out as a kid. They were recipes for nightmares.




The only thing that ever scared me in AYAotD was suddenly seeing someone threatening in fisheye-lens-distortion-o-vision, something that scares me to this day.

The reason I keep the portraits I painted in high school in my closet is because waking up seeing their distorted proportions but realistic rendering in the middle of the night scared the everloving shit out of me.
