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Babylon 5 has ruined TV for me, and Cracked knows it...







I think B5 is the only show I've seen that actually DID have a plan for its entire run. And it was excellent.

I was surprised about 24 not having more of a plan for its seasons though. To me it seems like the show would have lent itself to at least an outline of how they wanted things to go.




Add Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy to the top of that list as the best made up on the fly program ever.




It's interesting that so many shows want the viewer to think they have a "B5 plan" even though virtually none of them do.

Sometimes it feels like shows don't even have the second half of season ending cliffhangers planned out.




It's the Moldavian Massacre effect of serial television.


Wasabi Poptart

Most fans don't realize that the famous "Episode IV" isn't anywhere in the original opening crawl -- it was only added to later prints
I guess that means most fans didn't see the original movie when it was first released. Damn I'm old.




Add Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy to the top of that list as the best made up on the fly program ever.
Well i don't actually have a problem with shows that are up front about making it up on the fly... it's the ones that the writers insist everything is planned out and they know what they're doing that are annoying, especially because it becomes clear that that's not the case pretty fast. See Lost.




Lost is funny to me just because of all the fans that insisted it did have a plan all along that they stuck to, claimed everything was answered, and get all mad and upset when you bring up the fact that most people correctly guessed it was purgatory the whole time.




What? Only the sideways universe was the afterlife. They made that fairly clear in the last episode. The rest of the show was real.
Added at: 16:18
That being said, I do think that that was the original plan, and the writers got upset that the public figured it out right away. Hence the rabid insistence from the writers that it wasn't.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I guess that means most fans didn't see the original movie when it was first released. Damn I'm old.
The current DVD of the non-special edition versions shows the original theatrical print, no Episode IV.
