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Back to School



The community college I went to offers four different certificates in archaeology. I've been one core class shy of 2 of them for several years and it's been eating at me being so close. So I finally have the extra money and vacation time saved up to take that class. Tuesday was the first day...and it was incredibly disappointing. There was no Rodney Dangerfield style characters, no all night benders, no shenanigans, nothing.

Tomorrow I have class all day. Hopefully someone will entertain me. If not it's going to be a long semester.

Wish me luck



Good luck I'm taking off and leaving the college I was currently at. The campus was fine but the department I was in stunk.


Chad Sexington


Well it's good to hear you're pursuing that; so good luck. On the other hand boring classes are sad times. I suggest being the spontaneous crazy one :p



Depends on the class though


Rob King

Rob King


How many archaeology teachers/professors wear fedoras and/or display a whip somewhere on their person/in their class? Similarly, how many students?





How many archaeology teachers/professors wear fedoras and/or display a whip somewhere on their person/in their class? Similarly, how many students?
None, they only wear them while looking for artefacts, they put on glasses for class.




Community College, huh? Say hi to Chevy Chase and Joel McHale!




My first class of this new semester is in about six hours.

Getting my sleep back to norm is going to suck. Mightily.

Already considering not going because [STRIKE]I'm lazy[/STRIKE] I'm a rebel.



Already considering not going because [STRIKE]I'm lazy[/STRIKE] I'm a rebel.
Thats the spirit




How many archaeology teachers/professors wear fedoras and/or display a whip somewhere on their person/in their class? Similarly, how many students?
None, they only wear them while looking for artefacts, they put on glasses for class.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, glasses and tweed jackets. Maybe not the tweed since it's so hot here.

Everybody has the fedora and whip as gag gifts from friends and professors.

Dave said:
Community College, huh? Say hi to Chevy Chase and Joel McHale!
I love this show. Chevy's character reminds me of a guy I took classes with. My community college is pretty big, 70,000ish students, so I didn't have a group like that until my "second" year since I was done with gen eds and into the Major courses.

I didn't get a chance to update this weekend. The class meets Tuesday for 1.5 hours and on Fridays for 7 hours. There's always a couple people who don't make the first day so on Friday there were some new people. This guy was wearing: moccasins, denim shirt, vest with 10 pockets, a nice Stetson, and to top it off he was playing with some pocker ships the entire day.

It ruled. I can't wait to hear what that guy has to say. In lower level archaeology classes there's always these people who are there just to have an adventure. I commend them for getting back into school, but they're always so funny how they show up dressed and ready to fight Nazis.




Don't mean to hijack this from you, but I almost enrolled back into school myself recently. Was debating between Medical Billing & Coding or Business Accounting but the timing is really bad at the moment. We're currently in the process of moving (Have one more week to be out and fully set up) and neither of those are jobs that I want to keep in the long run (just do the quick 8 month course and have a fallback job that isn't a bloody minimum wage dead end). Especially since the GF graduates next DEC and I can move on to Culinary. So that's still up in the air atm. (I haven't been in school since I got my GED in 2003)
