Band name/album game

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‎1 - Go to wikipedia and hit random. The first random wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.

2 - Go to and hit random. The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.

3 - Go to flickr and click on “explore the last seven days” Third picture no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

4 - Use photoshop or similar ( is a free online photo editor) to put it all together.

I feel like mine is more of a punk/anti establishment thing going for themselves. Heavy Green Day influences perhaps.
I love this game, I always make several new albums every time.

To help speed things up:
Wikipedia Random
Quotations Page Random
Flickr Last 7 Days

I made 3 this time, i may go through my albums later to find my previous works. I don't really know why I only used black '7 white text, it just kinda wound up that way. Oh well, enjoy.


Artist: Hiroshima Stadium
Album: ...and others are not.

Kinda thought of this band as an indie joint. Low-key and melodic.


Artist: Dirty Country
Album: Your Ego Goes With It

Up-tempo hip-hop/techno fusion band.


Artist: Oppy
Album: The Faster We Counted Our Spoons

Fun-loving joke band, kinda like They Might Be Giants.
I went through and found all of my old ones:

Artist: Mad About You
Album: Feel Like You Think

Kinda saw this one as a couple members of a boy-band post-breakup getting together and trying to make something a little more meaningful.

Artist: Orford Castle
Album: With a Big Song!

A Capella group that specializes in love songs.

Artist: Superjet
Album: I am Looking Down

Alternative rock band. Likely their first album. I was never very happy with this one and just kinda quit trying after getting frustrated.

Artist: Belle Haven Consultants
Album: A Change in Attitude

Orchestra group w/ a few guest singers.

Artist: Phantom Ranger
Album: ...and that is laughter

Alt-rock band.

Artist: Hook ya Crook
Album: Benefit of the Tallow Trade

Rapper experimenting with a more R&B style.

Artist: Thikkodi
Album:Sacred Memories and Future Promise

Ethereal melodic band along the lines of Sigur Ros

Artist: Awakenings
Album: A Leader and a Follower

Indie band with a pop sound.

Artist: Acaraje
Album: Let Us Cherish Humanity

Heavy Metal band.

Artist: Weston General Hospital
Album: Advent of Commercial Airlines

Folk\Country band with a sound similar to Horse Feathers
Looks super-cheap, but it's the best I could do:

I'm thinking this is a soft rock, boring-as-hell type band that does nothing but ballads.
Let's try this again:

Fuckin' metal, man! Those three elements came together perfectly to make what has to be the loudest, nastiest, growliest album of all time.
I hope I/we don't anger the owners of these photographs.
I always check to see if the owners have allowed downloads, if not, I refresh the picture page to get something new. So all of mine have been made with pics available for download. If the owner doesn't like it, they should have restricted that option. Also, we are just doing it for this game and not using them for any sort of commercial activity, so I'm pretty sure it'll be ok.
Can't stay away, made 3 more.

Artist: Languages of Madagascar
Album: Enterprises That Require New Shows

Indie band along the lines of Wilco.

Artist: Cassia Grandis
Album: I am the Centre of the World

British indie pop band sounding like Snow Patrol.

Artist: Elizabeth Pierrepont
Album: Not Only You But Others

Operatic singer that is way too full of herself.

Philosopher B.

Artist: 817 Annika
Album: The Sanction You Give It

Originally a pop star in her native country, the artist now known as 817 Annika got fed up with the yearly grind and came to the states to wow fat Americans with her crafty bod and newly shrieked vocals over the vicious punk stylings with which she has re-invented her image.

She is known for her vocal aggression, biting a male prostitute in his face, causing thousands of dollars' worth of damage to American hotels, and once getting in a fight with Angela Gossow. She emerged from the aforementioned fight with multiple lacerations and a blooming great shiner - A. Gossow, meanwhile, came out on a motherhumping stretcher.

It is said that she re-christened herself 817 Annika due to it being an asteroid of the Main belt - that is to say, small, exotic, and rock-hard.

Her favorite form of greeting music executives is a slap in the nuts with a tire iron. The sound this usually makes:

I've always loved this game, even if I think I'm not particularly good at it. (especially with fonts)

Here are some tries!

(I cropped the pictures when needes to make them square)

ARGH! The sickness is back! I can never do just one, it must be three!

Indie rock band from New England area.

All-girl punk band.

This one came together very nicely, I broke my rule about not using undownloadable images because it was so awesome. Also, I'm not sure what to label this one, genre-wise.
Problem I'm having is that the third picture over on flickr is turning out to be copyright protected most of the time. :/
Problem I'm having is that the third picture over on flickr is turning out to be copyright protected most of the time. :/
I've gotten that, I usually just reload until i find one available for download. Though, as mentioned on the last one, I did not. I took a screenshot and then cut out the bit I wanted.

Edit: oh yeah, and more...

I found out that there is a band named Martyr already after I made this.

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