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Batman: Arkham Asylum




Well, the highly-anticipated game has now hit store shelves in the US. Anyone get it yet and, if so, does it live up to the hype?




Everything I've heard so far says yes.




Wouldn't know. This isn't something that's available for the PC is it?



So far, I'd say bat-meh. The environment is great, the atmosphere is great, the joker is a riot, the gameplay.....not all that exciting. It's almost like I'm having more fun when I'm just watching the game cutscenes or waiting for dialog to play out then I am when I'm playing the game.

The combat flow is excellent the first couple of times. After that, whenever I detectived up a clod of bozos nearby, I felt a little agitated, like they're a chore. Same with the stealth stuff. Every now and again, it's enjoyable, but for the most part it feels like they just needed a way to lengthen the gameplay. It's almost like commercials during the batman cartoon, I'm only doing this because I want to see what happens next.

Right now, I personally would give it a 7.5 out of 10. I'm compelled to keep playing, though. The polish on the game is phenomenal. I'm willing to concede that this just might not be my kind of game.




It's good, real good. Probably up there with Spiderman 2 in terms of fun. Combat isn't just button smashing, you can do a fair deal of sneaking around if you want and there's a lot of detail crammed into the game.

Plus the character designs are pretty cool.

Worth the $38 it was incorrected listed at in my local Walmart..YOINK!

Should have bought 3 of them and resold them, ahhaha




I didn't buy it for the game. I bought it for the Batarang.




After playing a few more hours, I'm loving the game. The upgrades/new powers you get make it all the more fun!


Gill Kaiser

I can't believe that they delayed the PC version for THREE WEEKS for a feature that can't even be accessed by the majority of PC gamers. Just including PhysX effects would have been a bad enough kick in the teeth for ATI users like myself, but to actually make us wait for that long for something we can't use? It sucks.




At least there will be a PC version. When it does come out I'll pick it up.




I loved the demo but I suck at these kinds of games, so if it's too easy that would not be a complaint for me. I also like playing sneaky in general, and it's really fun here. The character design is great and the gameplay feels immersive.

I anticipate playing it until about halfway through, and meantime being a Batman widow until Mr. ZM is done with it.




I have to wait for the damn PC release. Grumble grumble grumble.

Though, PhysX? Sweet! *hugs his nvidia card*



I loved the demo but I suck at these kinds of games, so if it's too easy that would not be a complaint for me. I also like playing sneaky in general, and it's really fun here. The character design is great and the gameplay feels immersive.

I anticipate playing it until about halfway through, and meantime being a Batman widow until Mr. ZM is done with it.
The game does seem relativley easy, but is nonetheless fun. It's less about the physical/game challenge and more about out thinking your opponents.




I'm not getting it until my b-day :(
Which is actually ok, the last thing I need is a game to distract me from the massive piles of work I have to do.


Gill Kaiser

I just finished university, so the days stretch out before me like a desert of possibility tinged with tedium. Arkham Asylum is the first of the games that I intend to get in the next few months, but its delay means that I'm stuck for things to fill my time with. I'll have to get a job at this rate.




My copy should be here on Friday. Excellent timing.



Frankie Williamson

I can't wait for the PC release. Phys-X rules!




Oh, to remark on a comment earlier: cancelled my pre-order :p so I no longer bought it for the batarang because it turns out it's made of crappy plastic. What a scam they tried to pull - the batarang in the press image is obviously made out of metal.




I loved the demo but I suck at these kinds of games, so if it's too easy that would not be a complaint for me. I also like playing sneaky in general, and it's really fun here. The character design is great and the gameplay feels immersive.

I anticipate playing it until about halfway through, and meantime being a Batman widow until Mr. ZM is done with it.
I'm about nine or so hours in, and the demo doesn't really do the game justice. The basic mechanics are all there, but--despite the game's overwhelming simplicity--it has never gotten boring for me. I feel the pacing's perfect: just when you start getting to the point of boredom, they'll throw in some new thing (a new gadget, a new type of enemy, or a new environmental thing (like rigging the gargoyles with explosives).

Also, the encounters with the Scarecrow? Absolutely bad ASS (with the exception of the 'platforming' you have to do, but even those are made up for by the game's loving homage to Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem).

I sort of felt like you did after the first hour and a half or so in the game, but give it at least two, maybe three hours. At LEAST play through the first encounter with Scarecrow. It will probably change your mind.



Picked it up at Best Buy Tuesday afternoon beat it in two nights gameplay. The game is addicting and Paul Dini as the writer was a good move for Eidos. The only thing I would recommend is that the ending was slightly a let down but everything else was awesome.

The only challenging boss fight was poison ivy but bane and everything was a walk through the park.

Playing as the joker was cool as a playstation 3 user what did you 360 users get?

It was dark and gritty. The only lame gadet in Bat's arsenal was most likely the bat explosive gel.

I dont want to talk about too many spoilers for those who havent finished the game but it was a fun romp and I hope they do another Bat game but this time in Gotham.

Possible spoilers: the only cool environments I thought that were the best was with the Scarecrow moments.

I give it a 9.5/10 total due to the ending



At LEAST play through the first encounter with Scarecrow. It will probably change your mind.
This. You can see what I thought of the game when I first started it, and now the game is at least a solid 9.5 for me.

Playing as the joker was cool as a playstation 3 user what did you 360 users get?
The satisfaction of not having to worry about the PS3 port issues that always seem to occur on a game not developed for it? That's too harsh.

The joy of knowing that Sony's losing ground enough in the console war to fund extra development so that people who have both consoles will want to buy the PS3 version instead of the 360? That's too easy.

Crappy bat armor in challenge maps? That's too true.

The only lame gadet in Bat's arsenal was most likely the bat explosive gel.
The upgrades to plant it on the floor and trigger with enemy proximity provided way too much fun.




It will probably change your mind.
To what? I gave the demo a positive review. ;) My only playing it halfway through has nothing to do with the game; it's just my gaming habits.



BTW the story itself was good just the ending was a bit of a let down.

Only time I got lost was going through Crock's sewer to get the material I needed to get the antidote for the titan formula.

I hope if Eidos does a second Batman game in the same vein they will include Mr. Freeze and some other characters. I could see driving in some of the levels too.

It was awesome hearing Mark Hamill as Joker again.

And why must you guys loathe when I reviewed for the PS3 version? Are you 360 users that biased?

Arkham Asylum is one of the few games I have for that system since I basically use it for a blu ray player. Uncharted was another great game and I'm looking forward to picking up Uncharted 2 Oct 13th.

I still don't see what the big deal is with the PC's version of the PhysX thing.




And why must you guys loathe when I reviewed for the PS3 version? Are you 360 users that biased?
Dude. It's not bias, it's just general OMG ITSNOTWHATIUSESOITSUCKS. This is the internet, it's not exactly a new thing. ;)




In this case, the PS3 version is hands down better. HOWEVER... if your looking at the exclusive content releases as a whole, the 360 is way ahead.

Unfortunately, I don't have ether, so I'm stuck watching the game on Youtube :(



Dude. It's not bias, it's just general OMG ITSNOTWHATIUSESOITSUCKS. This is the internet, it's not exactly a new thing. ;)
My dislike for the PS3 stems from owning one for a year and a half, buying games for it, and not enjoying them. I kept trying, and it kept delivering games that didn't strike me at all. It's not a terrible system by any means, it just seems that everything I'd tried turned out to be a major snoozefest. Couple that with the fact that the majority of the games that have come out for both the ps3 and 360 seemed to have issues on the PS3, so I just bought the 360 version.

My comments toward blackcat were more playful banter anyway, I must admit that I am a tad jealous at not being able to play the joker :)

any more than you get to play him in the regular game, anyway




I must admit that I am a tad jealous at not being able to play the joker :)
We're going to Gamefly the PS3 version just for that.
