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Behavioral-Based Interviews




Has anyone here been involved in a Behavioral-Based Interview?

I have one for Telus (a large Telecommunications Company) on Wednesday, and have never had one before. I understand what kind of questions will be asked but I am curious about S.T.A.R. format for the answers.

Does anyone have tips or experience in them?




I did a behavioral interview for the first time in 2005. It took two hours, and I was unprepared because I had no idea what they meant when they said they'd be doing a behavioral interview. It was only afterward when I got home that I googled it and figured out what it was, and what it's meant to do.

Honestly the worst of it was simply the length, it was quite tedious. But through the initial questioning I understood the purpose of it, chose a few experiences which covered the vast majority of the questions, and expounded on them at length as prompted.

For the most part it was very simple questions like, "Tell me about a time when you made a mistake?" with quite a few follow up questions. The follow up questions will take you through the STAR process naturally, but the point of the follow up questions actually seems to be "is he making this up, or does this sound real?"

I don't know any good techniques or tricks of the trade. Just try not to get bored.




lol. I had one of those "tests" in grade 8 science. most of the questions on it were ridiculously hard.

I've already had the tests as far as I know. I am not used to the interview format I was told to expect. I have about 8 scenarios in my head that should help me answer the questions.




Don't forget to bring your lead sheet with you!




what is a lead sheet? I have not seen any reference on any page about this type of interview.




what is a lead sheet? I have not seen any reference on any page about this type of interview.
Perhaps I should have said a sheet of lead, to avoid the homograph confusion. You can find out about the proper use of lead during interviews here.





Jeez, for someone with Belkar as an avatar, you'd think I'd remember that. I think I read that comic 4 years ago though. I haven't had time to re-read the archives lately.
