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Best Weather Site




Does anyone know what the best site for checking the weather is? Raleigh is supposed to have a chance of snow this afternoon and I don't want to drive home in even a light snow (other drivers not the snow, people here can't even drive in the rain). So what site gives the most accurate results?




I just use the old standby weather.com and drop in my zipcode, then book mark the local page.

I think accuweather is more accurate, but years ago I did not like the lay out so I passed.




I like Weather Undergound. http://www.wunderground.com/

Mainly because I can look at all the personal weather stations people have registered there.




Email Ross.




I could just shout out my window.

I figured he'll see this thread eventually. In the meantime I can value the opinion of the halforums' hive mind.




You know what's sad, but true? Light snow in Raleigh is dangerous.




You know what's sad, but true? Light snow in Raleigh is dangerous.
idiots in this state believe that because they have a [Strike]four wheel drive[/Strike] pickup truck that they are impervious to weather conditions. I wish I was joking.




I personally use http://weather.com and sometimes http://accuweather.com. But if you want to find the most accurate for your area go to http://www.forecastadvisor.com/ .


Wasabi Poptart

I like Weather Undergound. http://www.wunderground.com/

Mainly because I can look at all the personal weather stations people have registered there.
Email Ross.

Those were my first two thoughts, but reversed (ask Ross popped into my head first).


Chad Sexington


My personal favourite is http://www.thefuckingweather.com




http://www.stormpulse.com/ isn't for weather, but cool graphics for storm tracking



well, if it helps any, I can confirm snow and ice here in Charlotte

im at work, so I get to drive home in this weather thats only to get worse as the evening wears on, at 12am...

i cant even go outside for a smoke because the parking lot is covered in ice and trying to walk on it is dangerous..



I gotta go into work tomorrow in the middle of a fucking blizzard.



South side of charlotte, just pissy rain.



I lick my finger and point it towards the wind.

Tonight I predict it to be clear and warm in the mid 50's with 10% chance of any precipitation on the East Coast.




I prefer http://weather.gov (National weather service - they have all the raw data, and it's simple and clean with no advertising)

My wife prefers weather underground http://wunderground.com - mainly because it was started by the University of Michigan Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Space Science department where she got her degree. They have a lot of the weather condition charts that forecasters use, so it doesn't just give you the forecast, it gives you the tools you need to forecast yourself if you understand all the gobedlygook.



South side of charlotte, just pissy rain.
ooooh its movin in, over in concord (bout 15 miles north of us) its icing a storm up there. seems pretty clear in SE charlotte atm, just a lotta cold ass rain



Oooooh that weather.gov, I like!



Great, where am I getting a Tauntaun this time of year.




Great, where am I getting a Tauntaun this time of year.
This is the age of internet-to-door ordering:





First off, I wish I had seen this thread earlier... been a bit of a lurker recently.

For Raleigh weather (at least for now), drop me a line. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE was calling for 1-3" for Raleigh, but I knew better and put out < 0.5", and totally womped the crap out of the other forecasts. I wasn't expecting much, if any snow accumulation, and I was right. (The ground was simply too warm to let anything stick for long.)

Also, Steinman gets +10 internet for having both weather.gov and wunderground.com in his arsenal of weather info.




Great, where am I getting a Tauntaun this time of year.
This is the age of internet-to-door ordering:


that is on deals.woot.com RIGHT NOW







My wife prefers weather underground http://wunderground.com - mainly because it was started by the University of Michigan Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Space Science department where she got her degree. They have a lot of the weather condition charts that forecasters use, so it doesn't just give you the forecast, it gives you the tools you need to forecast yourself if you understand all the gobedlygook.
I find that Weather Underground's radar is my favorite. I've got a quick link set up to the loop from the local radar station so I can keep tabs on which way the radar is moving.

Also, they are really useful for keeping an eye on the tropics during hurricane season.



*pssssht* Red leader to Red Group, stay on tropic!*ksssht*




My wife prefers weather underground http://wunderground.com - mainly because it was started by the University of Michigan Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Space Science department where she got her degree. They have a lot of the weather condition charts that forecasters use, so it doesn't just give you the forecast, it gives you the tools you need to forecast yourself if you understand all the gobedlygook.
I find that Weather Underground's radar is my favorite. I've got a quick link set up to the loop from the local radar station so I can keep tabs on which way the radar is moving.

Also, they are really useful for keeping an eye on the tropics during hurricane season.[/QUOTE]

wunderground has a good hurricane blog.

But, hands down, this is my favorite radar view:


It doesn't give as much information as wunderground's radar, but I don't need the extra info - I just want to see the loop and get an idea of where things are moving and how fast.
