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Bioware : EA doesn't tell us what to do





I just read this article and I will have to call... bullshit. Before I dwell on the details, what do you think?

Think EA were involved in any shape or form in the Dragon Age series? In the Mass Effect series?




EA stays out of the creative aspects, but they can make some demands, such as DLC plans and other monetary things. But I imagine that EA does keep it's nose out of most of it... they don't want to fuck up a company that makes them so much money.




Well, I think they stay out of most of it but I would imagine they push some deadlines hard, which could account for several of the issues with DA2.



In terms of content? probably not, but I am sure EA DOES push deadlines, demos, and probably store specific DLC stuff.




"... 'Oh those EA guys, they're making BioWare do...' And I always chuckle because we are EA, we're BioWare - we're both..."

So then people would be correct in blaming EA since prior to acquisition by them, Bioware's games were better.




If I ever met a Bioware employee that attempted to say this all I would say is... "Then explain Kirkwall"

Really, Blizzard also tries to say this when it comes to Activision, and even I know Kotick has been weaseling his dick into their asshole as much as possible. All you can do is hope these developers can get around the bullshit to still make a great game, something Bioware didn't really show me with Dragon Age 2. I am still withholding judgement with Blizzard, Diablo 3 is fun and promising, but I think Titan or the next WoW expansion will be the final coffin nail if they give into Kotickitis completely.




The Activision/Blizzard relationship is fundamentally different, in that Blizzard is perfectly capable of operating on it's own... it certainly doesn't need Activision. Bioware was having money problems when it was acquired, mainly do to underperforming sales on some of it's games.



The Activision/Blizzard relationship is fundamentally different, in that Blizzard is perfectly capable of operating on it's own... it certainly doesn't need Activision. Bioware was having money problems when it was acquired, mainly do to underperforming sales on some of it's games.
Sure Blizzard have money problem. They have no idea what to do with all that money ;)




EA has past precedent against them with all the good game companies they've acquired and run into the ground. They are known for meddling and I personally feel that they had a direct hand in the filth that was DA2.

I really hope to hell they keep their grubby little mitts off of Mass Effect. So far the only thing keeping me optimistic about it is the long development cycle that Bioware has had to make Mass Effect 3... because there has been a lot of stuff floating around that makes me nervous as hell.




Bioware made better games before EA, that didn't sell.

With EA, they've made worse games that do.

There are, of course, exceptions.

In a perfect world, bioware could have all the time they need to perfect a game, and implement every cool feature they wanted. But they needed EA to crack the whip and turn them into a business. That's life.


But if Mass Effect 3 sucks, I will kill their mothers.




EA know they could churn out any crappy game they want, slap a Mass Effect label on it, and it will sell by the truckful. I am not optimistic.




Should have been "EA doesn't tell us what to do...... they just tell us HOW to do it....."



Should have been "EA doesn't tell us what to do...... they just tell us HOW to do it....."
My wife and I have made a saying with EA "EA games, changes everything!"



Frankie Williamson

I really hope to hell they keep their grubby little mitts off of Mass Effect. So far the only thing keeping me optimistic about it is the long development cycle that Bioware has had to make Mass Effect 3... because there has been a lot of stuff floating around that makes me nervous as hell.
Mass Effect 3 mulitplayer, though I wouldn't blame EA for that one entirely. That's more the fault of Joe Dickhead gamer who won't buy games unless it has a multiplayer element he'll play once and go back to Call of Duty.




I'll be as frank as possible. If there was a game that could forgo multiplayer, it would be Mass Effect 3.




I'll be as frank as possible. If there was a game that could forgo multiplayer, it would be Mass Effect 3.
True, but a multiplayer RPG in that world would be awesome.




Yes but not ME3. Not with the Kinect stick added on top.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

You mean, Kinect stick up its ass?
