Birthday patrol for MindDetective & Shannow

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Doesn't Shannow change his birthday in the forum every once in a while? I swear I've seen him on there like 3 days in a row at age 100.
shannow has so many birthdays. it is like: he was born at the age of three, and he lifted his fist up into the air and repeated "THE ACE OF SPADES! THE ACE OF SPADES!"
Thanks, Zen. Between teaching, research, applying for new jobs, getting engaged, and prepping my house to sell next summer, I haven't been able to spend as much time here lately. I always try to poke my head in once and a while, though.
Yeah, I hear you. Between lying around like a useless idiot and sitting around like a useless idiot, I barely find the time myself. :cool:
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