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Blackest Night hit today




Picked it up as well as the tales of the Corps book. Fun stuff so far.


I'm calling it now:

The conclusion to the ring war will include Hal wearing one of every ring, which will include yet ANOTHER homage to that GL cover where he went crazy and started collecting dead GL rings. Well, okay, they only did the homage once (during the Sinestro Corps War), but yeah, I see that coming a mile away.




In before, Old IP is Old.




ThatNickGuy said:
I'm calling it now:

The conclusion to the ring war will include Hal wearing one of every ring, which will include yet ANOTHER homage to that GL cover where he went crazy and started collecting dead GL rings. Well, okay, they only did the homage once (during the Sinestro Corps War), but yeah, I see that coming a mile away.
Considering he has worn 4 already,t hats an easy call to make. You and most others I know predicted that. You are really going waaaaay out on a limb with that one.


Heh, yeah. But I actually called it before any other of the rings were introduced. :)




When the story line was announced, most people I know pretty much called the same thing. its a pretty obvious way to go. Combining the colors to white against the black.




Hal wears every ring and becomes sopimp that the universe implodes and resets itself... AGAIN.






I say he gets one of every ring and becomes FABULOUS!




General Specific said:
I say he gets one of every ring and becomes FABULOUS!
Feel the Rainbow.




Taste the rainbow.

Wow, thats even gayer.


The day will be saved by the grande return of...The Rainbow Rider!!

...and the internet has failed me in finding a picture. :( Stupid obscure, Z-level villains.

Edit: ...except when I do a second attemp!




ThatNickGuy said:
The day will be saved by the grande return of...The Rainbow Rider!!

...and the internet has failed me in finding a picture. :( Stupid obscure, Z-level villains.

Edit: ...except when I do a second attemp!


glad to see you found one. remember, the internet never fails you, you fail it!




So...um....did they bring the original Question back? I heard that they might and the preview pages they released mentioned him.

Please say yes. I don't want a female Question.



Don't you hate it when they introduce new characters only for them to become clay pigeons for the new big bad?




Shannow said:
When the story line was announced, most people I know pretty much called the same thing. its a pretty obvious way to go. Combining the colors to white against the black.
It is so obvious that I actually thinking that he might end up as a black lantern rather than a white/rainbow lantern.



So who wants to hear who dies and who does the killing? :twisted:




Chummer said:
So who wants to hear who dies and who does the killing? :twisted:

Now, dont be a dick to those who want to read it.




Chummer said:
So who wants to hear who dies and who does the killing? :twisted:





LittleSin said:
So...um....did they bring the original Question back? I heard that they might and the preview pages they released mentioned him.

Please say yes. I don't want a female Question.
I don't know if I want to see the previous version of the Question back either. I liked the original from Carlton and the first run in DC on the Mature Readers imprint. Where in the DC version he was an overwhelmed martial artist. Trying to save a city that did not want to be saved. When I researched the 3rd version and read about 'talking' to the city... :blue: and being a conspiracy nutjob... :slap:



The conspiracy nutjob thing made him so awesome on the JLU cartoon.



Where in the DC version he was an overwhelmed martial artist. Trying to save a city that did not want to be saved. When I researched the 3rd version and read about 'talking' to the city... and being a conspiracy nutjob...
Hmm is that you, Rorschach?

And yes, toned down like it was in JLU it's fun to watch.




Green_Lantern said:
Chummer said:
So who wants to hear who dies and who does the killing? :twisted:


[spoiler:2szy76uv]Hey, Sue. I smell a mystery.[/spoiler:2szy76uv]



Frankie Williamson

Chummer said:
The conspiracy nutjob thing made him so awesome on the JLU cartoon.
JLU Question was easily, EASILY the best character on the show. And it really showed how much Timm and the writers loved him considering he was probably the most featured secondary player next to Green Arrow.




Ok, so The Question's voice there was bugging the crap out of me. I'd heard it somewhere before. Then, I realized it was from Star Trek. From there, I found that it is one Jeffery Combs, who played Weyoun on DS9.




General Specific said:
Ok, so The Question's voice there was bugging the crap out of me. I'd heard it somewhere before. Then, I realized it was from Star Trek. From there, I found that it is one Jeffery Combs, who played Weyoun on DS9.
He's also a horror movie staple. He is liquid awsome in every single thing he is in.




General Specific said:
Then, I realized it was from Star Trek. From there, I found that it is one Jeffery Combs, who played Weyoun on DS9.
He also played a Ferengi named Brunt, and another alien called Tiron. Not many other actors have played 3 different named characters in a single Trek series. He's also appeared on Voyager and Enterprise.




figmentPez said:
General Specific said:
Then, I realized it was from Star Trek. From there, I found that it is one Jeffery Combs, who played Weyoun on DS9.
He also played a Ferengi named Brunt, and another alien called Tiron. Not many other actors have played 3 different named characters in a single Trek series. He's also appeared on Voyager and Enterprise.
His role as Shran was the best thing going on Enterprise. Too bad it did not make the final season, he was going to be added to the crew.



Did you get your free black ring when you picked up Blackest Night? My customers ranged from excited to meh. I made most of them promise not to raise any dead in the store because I didn't want to clean the carpets.



Look what I got!

Sorry for the bad quality of the pic but its a Black Lantern Ring!

Now to raise the dead, lets see... I'll bring back Michael Jackson! Onward my Black Lantern Corp!




Yeah, got one of those too. The shop had a couple bags full to give away.



Bowielee said:
General Specific said:
Ok, so The Question's voice there was bugging the crap out of me. I'd heard it somewhere before. Then, I realized it was from Star Trek. From there, I found that it is one Jeffery Combs, who played Weyoun on DS9.
He's also a horror movie staple. He is liquid awsome in every single thing he is in.

He rocked as Weyoun and totally kicked ass as Shran. His Brunt was good but not one of the better Ferengi characters.

Dude is awesome in whatever role he has.




What a gyp! Back To The Past didn't have those! Usually they rock at stuff like that.

In any case, I really like it. I can predict what a major plot point will be (we have a lot of super-zombies who were once heroes as mindless minions of death...but they're still heroes) but it will still rock.




got it today :D

very awesome start. hal explaining to barry all the nasty shit thats gone down since he died was a nice touch, and they didnt waste any time introducing the black lanterns.

speaking of which [spoiler:19i7k9l1]good GOD are undead dibneys freaky as hell[/spoiler:19i7k9l1]

EDIT: just noticed [spoiler:19i7k9l1]zombie ch'p[/spoiler:19i7k9l1] in the black lantern crowd. this bumps this issue into 'very very awesome indeed' territory.



Can we have some names please, for those who won't buy the books but love spoliers?

Edit: Found em, I didn't think wikipedia updated this quickly.

[spoiler:q5ey7owd]Clearly identified

Black Hand (William Hand)[15]
Elongated Man (Ralph Dibny)[32]
Katma Tui (Green Lantern)[33]
Martian Manhunter (J'onn J'onzz)[33]
Sue Dibny[32]


Aquaman (Arthur Curry/Orin)[34]
Atom (Al Pratt)[34]
Black Condor (Ryan Kendall)[34]
Captain Boomerang (Digger Harkness)[34]
Firestorm (Ronald Raymond)[33]
Golden Glider (Lisa Snart)[34]
Hawkgirl (Kendra Saunders)[35]
Hawkman (Carter Hall)[35]
Human Bomb (Roy Lincoln)[34]
Jade (Jennifer-Lynn Hayden)[34]
Phantom Lady (Dee Tyler)[34]
Top (Roscoe Dillon)[34]

And really, hasn't Hawkman suffered enough?[/spoiler:q5ey7owd]



wait which [spoiler:hhbhb4cz]Hawkman/Hawkgirl[/spoiler:hhbhb4cz] are they using? They're continuity is so fucked up.. they'd have to retcon some stuff for them right?




Just went out and got this today. I lucked into the last copy in the store so WIN.

Anyways, I enjoyed it but I gotta wonder when DC became such a fan of gore and violence. Marvel too. Like, stop killing everything just so you can bring them back later as total out of character assholes and make a mint out of the glorious "Return of" whoever event.

...which is basically what this will be. Except evil.

I am a weak person.


Mav said:
wait which [spoiler:6ywm86qc]Hawkman/Hawkgirl[/spoiler:6ywm86qc] are they using? They're continuity is so smurfed up.. they'd have to retcon some stuff for them right?
All of them. Kind of.

Basically, the most recent retcon has been that ALL of Hawkman's previous incarnations were just previous lives. So he remembers being them all at one point or another. It's probably the easiest, cleanest way to retcon the whole mess.



LittleSin said:
Just went out and got this today. I lucked into the last copy in the store so WIN.

Anyways, I enjoyed it but I gotta wonder when DC became such a fan of gore and violence. Marvel too. Like, stop killing everything just so you can bring them back later as total out of character * and make a mint out of the glorious "Return of" whoever event.

...which is basically what this will be. Except evil.

I am a weak person.
This is what I enjoyed about Civil War. It was a story that changed the status quo of a universe, but then it just became generic-event-with-some-characters-dying crap.

While GL is my fav and the Corps right along with'em, I'd love to see a bigger story where its not revolved around death. Sure the origin Crisis had some deaths but they were few and far between and the overall story was epic. Not every "event" can be Crisis-level written but just killing people off.. I mean I still dont get why they axed Steve Rogers in the MU. Especially in the midst of America still fighting the war in Iraq, the Superhuman Registration Act, etc it was a prime time to keep Steve around even if he was being incarcerated. Nope, kill him off instead.. *facepalm*


Well, they offed Cap because that was just part one of a 3-act story that Brubaker was wanting to tell. He'd been planning the death for quite awhile, with or without Civil War.




Picked it up a couple days ago (along with the giveaway ring, which makes me happy), and I'm going to be following this.

Two things. One: I REALLY want to go as Green Lantern this Halloween. Does anybody know any good costume sites so I could make a (hopefully budget) GL costume?

Two: Never really read much GL stuff before, although I've got a good idea of the basics (Abin Sur, destruction of Coast City, Mongul, Parallax, etc). Any 'essential' paperbacks I should read?


You could probably pick right up to speed with GL: Rebirth. If you want some other backstories, Emerald Twilight contains the story with Hal going nuts and Kyle taking over. The Sinestro Corps War stuff is pretty fun.

Some more classic ones, I'd recommend either Emerald Dawn or The Road Back. Or one of my favourites, Emerald Knights.



Frankie Williamson

They fucking should have Bruce Wayne be the big Black Lantern.

That would be awesome.

Also, if this is the case, awesome, if it isn't, boo! I haven't read it yet.




Frankie said:
They smurfing should have Bruce Wayne be the big Black Lantern.

That would be awesome.

Also, if this is the case, awesome, if it isn't, boo! I haven't read it yet.
Am I just on crack, or am I the only one who noticed that Batman never actually died in the final crisis, he just got transported to the dawn of time, if the last page is any indication.

I could be wrong, I haven't read Batman RIP.




no bowielee, you didnt hallucinate that. grant morrison did. then put it in print. they just haven't picked up on it yet. its a bit vague on what darkseid actually DID to him. 'The Omega Sanction traps the organism in a series of alternate realities, each worse than the previous one. Also, the ability has been shown to transport those struck by it through time and space'

and as for GL stories, they recently did a 'secret origins' story for hal jordan, retelling his origin story, and adding more stuff for blackest night. its freaking awesome.

Anyways, I enjoyed it but I gotta wonder when DC became such a fan of gore and violence.




I sustain it's all part of the Omega Sanction...

On a side note, I just read Whatever happened to the Caped Crusader, parts 1 and 2 by Neil Gaiman. It was beautiful.




Bowielee said:
Am I just on crack, or am I the only one who noticed that Batman never actually died in the final crisis, he just got transported to the dawn of time, if the last page is any indication.

I could be wrong, I haven't read Batman RIP.
Bruce Wayne may not be "dead", but there was that mumifed corpse that was left behind after he was zapped. Since Darkseid's powers have included being able to create exact (but soulless, at least when Kirby wrote it) copies of those he Omega Beams to death, it is possible that this is what happened to make a Bat-Corpse.



Green Lantern Corps is one of the few reasons I havent dropped buying DC books (I <3 vertigo too BTW), but damn, Elongated Man ripping Hawkman's heart out made the Red Lantern Corps seem tame.

-- Sun Jul 19, 2009 9:59 pm --

Written by Geoff Johns
Art and cover by Ivan Reis & Oclair Albert
Variant cover by Ethan Van Sciver
Sketch variant cover by Ivan Reis

[spoiler:w087ip8o]Summer's hottest event explodes in this critical issue!

Hold on to your power rings, because the secrets behind the Blackest Night finally stand revealed! While Earth is evacuated, Hal Jordan embarks on a brave journey to the darkest depths to uncover the truth behind the Black Lanterns! You won't believe what he uncovers!

Continuing the best-selling epic from superstars Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis![/spoiler:w087ip8o]

Retailers please note: This issue will ship with three covers. For every 25 copies of the Standard Edition (with a cover by Ivan Reis & Oclair Albert), retailers may order one copy of the Variant Edition (with a cover by Ethan Van Sciver). For every 100 copies of the Standard Edition, retailers may order one copy of the Sketch Variant Edition (with a cover by Ivan Reis). Please see the Previews Order Form for more information.

On sale October 21 - 4 of 8 - 40 pg, FC, $3.99 US




Aisaku said:
I sustain it's all part of the Omega Sanction...

On a side note, I just read Whatever happened to the Caped Crusader, parts 1 and 2 by Neil Gaiman. It was beautiful.
It wasn't bad, but I really wish they hadn't named it after What ever happened to the Man of Tomorrow.




twitchmoss said:
no bowielee, you didnt hallucinate that. grant morrison did. then put it in print. they just haven't picked up on it yet. its a bit vague on what darkseid actually DID to him. 'The Omega Sanction traps the organism in a series of alternate realities, each worse than the previous one. Also, the ability has been shown to transport those struck by it through time and space'

and as for GL stories, they recently did a 'secret origins' story for hal jordan, retelling his origin story, and adding more stuff for blackest night. its freaking awesome.

Anyways, I enjoyed it but I gotta wonder when DC became such a fan of gore and violence.

That's about right. And Infinite Crisis continued the bloodfest with the Secret Society and Superboy-prime's rampages. And the weird part was how ironically self-aware the very Infinite Crisis storyline was about the whole gore thing.




You want gory?


And funny enough Psycho Pirate is going to be a Black Lantern. There's a cover around somewhere, showing that he has a giant, fist-shaped hole in his head and one dangling eye.




So, is Blackest Night supposed to be DC's answer to Marvel Zombies?




ThatNickGuy said:
And funny enough Psycho Pirate is going to be a Black Lantern. There's a cover around somewhere, showing that he has a giant, fist-shaped hole in his head and one dangling eye.
for consistency they should have it scarred over with black goo, like they did for Black Hand.



Bowielee said:
And funny enough Psycho Pirate is going to be a Black Lantern. There's a cover around somewhere, showing that he has a giant, fist-shaped hole in his head and one dangling eye.
Zombie black lantern vs Black Adam?

I´d buy and frame that.




so. #2 is out. and...

holy shit on a pancake.

[spoiler:1lzdeaej]zombie aquaman[/spoiler:1lzdeaej] and [spoiler:1lzdeaej]ZOMBIE SHARKS.[/spoiler:1lzdeaej]

[spoiler:1lzdeaej]ABIN SUR![/spoiler:1lzdeaej]

and oh shitbiscuits[spoiler:1lzdeaej]black lantern spectre[/spoiler:1lzdeaej]




twitchmoss said:
and oh shitbiscuits[spoiler:11y0fixo]black lantern spectre[/spoiler:11y0fixo]
What?! How does that work?!




[spoiler:khx7qxpj]The spectre was kidnapped by the black lantern Crispus Allen.[/spoiler:khx7qxpj]


Cog said:
[spoiler:14a8llxb]The spectre was kidnapped by the black lantern Crispus Allen.[/spoiler:14a8llxb]

Okay, that's just effing brilliant.




Read em all this morning, great stuff, as expected! :thumbsup: The Deadman arc in Batman was just great too.



twitchmoss said:
so. #2 is out. and...

holy poop on a pancake.

[spoiler:3fezgz7b]zombie aquaman[/spoiler:3fezgz7b] and [spoiler:3fezgz7b]ZOMBIE SHARKS.[/spoiler:3fezgz7b]

[spoiler:3fezgz7b]ABIN SUR![/spoiler:3fezgz7b]

and oh shitbiscuits[spoiler:3fezgz7b]black lantern spectre[/spoiler:3fezgz7b]
oh dear lord in oa..

ill be back im driving to the comic shop NOW




Cog said:
[spoiler:16dcp1im]The spectre was kidnapped by the black lantern Crispus Allen.[/spoiler:16dcp1im]
Having read it it actually makes sense...




Major spoilers:
[spoiler:2gmq1axw]It's this guy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nekron[/spoiler:2gmq1axw]

Though i guess most guessed it already...




yeah, everyone pretty much knew that already. they even asked Johns about it at Comic con, where he said no, but no one believed him. [spoiler:2kx7ve5y]I mean, look back at the old GLs where Raynor fights him, and its said right there that he runs pretty much purgatory, and when folks come back from the dead, or when an immortal dies, hthe window to this universe opens more and he can reach out and try to escape.[/spoiler:2kx7ve5y]




Shannow said:
he said no
Devious... :eyeroll:




@Li3n said:
Shannow said:
he said no
Devious... :eyeroll:
yeah, everyone was suuuuuuuuuuuuure fooled.



So is he a by product of the Lantern war? I mean if Black Hand is the 'leader' of the Black Corps, is he just like a side effect of the current ongoing awesomeness?




Interesting, wiki says that it's not the first time Nekron used death to fuel power rings...


I'm thinking he's more like Parallax, the embodiment of the power they used. Also, check the wiki link.




Yeah, he is the main power behind the whole thing. pretty much everyone called it when this started. He runs death, and Johns is jsut giving him a revamp since his lsat appearance. I got the comics here somewhere. Kyle had to fight dead lanterns he brought back at one point when he was the only lantern left.




If you're still on the ropes about picking up this incredible series, look at this page from the most recent comic.

If you're not drawn in, then it's not for you.




He's Aquaman bitch...


Well, we know Chaz will be buying this comic now, judging from that one page.
