BlueVoda - Drag-n-drop website builder

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Staff member
So I've decided to revamp the Kami-Con (anime con) website that I run, and wanted to break away from the template setting that I've been using with and make a "real" site with real hosting and all that jazz.

After opening Dreamweaver and hitting the "Oh shit, I don't actually know what I'm doing" wall, I googled some Drag-N-Drop (which are by nature WYSIWYG) website builders and came upon BlueVoda, which seems to be completely free so far (none of that Build a Page then PAY! shit) and is actually really helpful.

They have video tutorials, which I've often laughed at before, but now that I feel like I need them, I've been watching them and they're oddly comforting. Like, they explain everything. One even went so far as to say, "Look, you can even bold your text! I'll show you how."

When something is willing to break something down so simply, it's really comforting, because you feel like whatever you run into, it'll probably explain. If it doesn't, it's probably advanced enough to be something you'd need to look up yourself anyway.

Anywho, anyone here who actually does website costruction and knows what their doing willing to take a look at it? So far, it looks like it's exactly what I'll need, but I haven't gotten too far into it yet. It's only a 4ish meg download, so if anyone's bored enough, I'd love an opinion on it.

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