Me, I tend to mindlessly surf the web or plop myself down for some several hours-long gaming.
I tend to - What's that dear? Oh? Oh. Alright, I'll be there in a minute.
You know, I can't say that I find myself in that situation often...
I read or train the doom weasels to be a lean, mean dooking machine.
Mostly it involves running up and down the stairs.
*snrk* 'Cause I have time to be bored, these days. I'm happy I have the time to POST anything...
What do I do when I'm bored? Exactly what I'm doing right now:
Playing WoW/MiscGame on one monitor, Halforums on a second monitor, drinking my 3rd glass of wine, with plans to make myself some chicken stir fry in a few minutes.
This is probably 6 out of my 7 days a week when not at work.