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Brag about yourself... for everyone!!



Baer created a discriminatory brag about yourself thread that catered only to WOW players. That's BS.

This thread is for everyone!

Bring on the braggin'.




I made a super cool thread. I'ma brag about it here too.




O that was just for WoW? Reading fail.




I made up a cool term that Leslie is gonna make a cultural sensation.



I have radishes which have been concluded (by me) to be most awesome. Fuck yeah radishes!




:cool: It's what I do.




O that was just for WoW? Reading fail.
It's alright Seej. I still love you anyway. :hug:




Oh, and along that note, I'm an incredible wingman recently.




O that was just for WoW? Reading fail.
It's alright Seej. I still love you anyway. :hug:[/QUOTE]

^_^ Thanks. I'm burnt out today... the kids were more nuts than they ever have been, and my brain's kind of mush right now.




I'm charming as fuck. This is a true statement.



O that was just for WoW? Reading fail.
It's alright Seej. I still love you anyway. :hug:[/QUOTE]

He loves me more. Hmph.



I'm me.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

I use fancy ketchup.




I do has girlfriend.
Shouldn't be bragging, but for me its surprising.




I've turned out to be a pretty good teacher, I think. It's nice to "matter." Never really felt like I was much of anything throughout most of college. I mean, I know I had a nice life--good friends, good family, and general comfort, but that didn't really satisfy me.

Also, I feel pretty lately. Quite pretty, even. It's nice. ^_^ In fact, I'm going to stand up after I post this and go do a twirl in the mirror. Just for me.



Is it I feel Pretty pretty or I enjoy being a girl pretty.

Im partial to I enjoy being a girl pretty.




Not sure exactly. To be perfectly precise, it's "boy oh boy, am I glad I got my mother's hips and overall proportional frame" pretty. Also the "my complexion's not awful" pretty. ^_^



Im going to say that is also I enjoy being a girl pretty.

Let's paint our toes and do each others hair.




OKAY! Can you help me with these frizzies in the back? I've been having horrible frizzies.



I had a smoothing serum that worked good for that. but i cant afford it anymore.

Ill do my best though. Also, sparkly bows.




Every week, I am in demand to join any of three or four pub trivia teams.




I kick ass everynight!




I got awesome blog of the week on thatguywiththeglasses.com.

My video views have gone through the roof as a result.

And JewWario congratulated me. ^_^ He was the one that finally inspired me enough to start this series....and his acknowledgment tickles me several shades of pink.





Chuck Norris is my son.




Chuck Norris is my father.





Chuck Norris is my father.

Brush your teeth then off to bed with you, or I'll roundhouse kick into next week young man!




I dole out sick burns like I was agent orange.




YOU are the cause of my current uneasiness, Vagabond.




I dole out sick burns like I was agent orange.
I looked up Agent Orange on Wikipedia cause I thought I could learn some new things.

Now...now I'm just going to have nightmares of deformed people.




I'm the most humble mofo here! Nobody is more humble than I! Bask in my humbleness, bitches!




I'm leaving for Disneyland tomorrow! And I has Disney nails:


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

I have an awesome job and I finally am gonna make enough money to have a savings account and health insurance and investments and I am so fucking happy to not be stressed about money for the forseeable future. I also got an apartment walking distance from work that's also in a really cool/good area of town that was a good $300-400/mo cheaper than I was expecting.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

I have a natural talent for writing! (in spanish, of course... my english is functional at best)... But I can't compete with those awesome nails, heatherling. If I was a girl (or a dude who painted his nails), I would love to do that if I ever go back to a Disney park!




I can speak four languages and read six (since nobody speaks Latin and Ancient Greek anymore) and am in the process of learning my fifth/seventh!

I love languages.




I may or may not exist!


Chad Sexington


I can speak four languages and read six (since nobody speaks Latin and Ancient Greek anymore) and am in the process of learning my fifth/seventh!

I love languages.
I am so damn jealous you have no idea.



I can speak four languages and read six (since nobody speaks Latin and Ancient Greek anymore) and am in the process of learning my fifth/seventh!

I love languages.
I am so damn jealous you have no idea.[/QUOTE]

Dont be jealous chad you speak the language of lurve.




I have a natural talent for writing! (in spanish, of course... my english is functional at best)... But I can't compete with those awesome nails, heatherling. If I was a girl (or a dude who painted his nails), I would love to do that if I ever go back to a Disney park!
Thank you, I enjoy decorating my nails :D




I have free Pocky. Ha ha hahahaha!




I am good at pretty much anything I work at. Is that too much? Seriously though, I can pick up a subject and learn its basics thoroughly, with a fundamental understanding. (the consolation is that I rarely if ever have mastered anything.)

I also understand the meaning behind this quote better than most of the scientists I work with

Richard Feynman said:
I learned very early the difference between knowing the name of something and knowing something.




My quesadillas bring all the boys to the yard.




I've become a big urban bicyclist. Three times a week, I bike back and forth to university for my classes. The distance, one way, is about 17 kilomters (roughly 10 miles). Going to school is mostly uphill and by the time I get there, I'm soaked in sweat.

While I was couriering over the summer, I bought a ludicrous amount of equipment and clothing. I've got a really great jacket, some sweet-absorbing shirts, really good pair of splash pants, etc. And it's all being put to good use. In fact, I'm seriously considering biking during the winter, as well. I already carry anything I need in some waterproof saddlebags, which have been fantastic for even buying groceries.

I've always been, of course, a big advocate for the environment, but this is something I've been wanting to do for a number of years. Now, it's becoming a reality. Once I get the money, I want to get a better, more viable bike for the winter. I was looking at one that has internal breaking (instead of rubber stops around the rim) and internal gear changes. Basically, less that can get caught up with whatever nasty stuff is on the roads.



Frankie Williamson

I can legally (under specific circumstances) drive much faster than most of you.

And I do!




Certified digital animator, bitches!




I make the best chili. Everyone else can go home.

---------- Post added at 08:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:05 PM ----------





I can legally (under specific circumstances) drive much faster than most of you.

And I do!
Word, my red serge-wearing brother. Also, I get paid to be nosy, give orders, and shoot firearms.

Also, lurk in shadows and NOT be a pervert/drug dealer. Kekekekekekeke



I've been having a nice month, so why not...

I have a comfortable savings built up, my boss thinks I'm the best, I have some amazing friends...

And I get fan mail all the time because people enjoy my work! Thousands and thousands of readers! :3




I once delivered 12 orders in an hour as a pizza delivery guy. That won't mean much to anyone that has never done pizza delivery.




My quesadillas bring all the boys to the yard.
Oh? Then what do your tamales do?




I once delivered 12 orders in an hour as a pizza delivery guy. That won't mean much to anyone that has never done pizza delivery.
Having worked as one during a short stint in High School, it does. My hat is off to you, sir!



I once delivered 12 orders in an hour as a pizza delivery guy. That won't mean much to anyone that has never done pizza delivery.
Was it at an apartment building? Don't lie now....




There were about 6 of them that were at 2 locations (~3 at each), which helped, but the other 6 were all out in our delivery zone.



Well Im impressed and Ive never even delivered pizzas.

Our pizza delivery people suck Tabasco slathered donkey balls.

I hate them all so much I switched to carry out.




To be fair, the people who got their pizzas that night would have been dissapointed. The ones at the end of the route got their's lukewarm and mashed around in my carrying case. But that's just how we did it at gumbys. You pay 4$ for a pizza and you get every pennies worth.


Element 117

I just ate a WHOLE chipotle burrito. In one sitting!

it's much harder for me than many of you




I am duly impressed by many of the acheivements listed here.



I am good at pretty much anything I work at. Is that too much? Seriously though, I can pick up a subject and learn its basics thoroughly, with a fundamental understanding. (the consolation is that I rarely if ever have mastered anything.)

I also understand the meaning behind this quote better than most of the scientists I work with

Richard Feynman said:
I learned very early the difference between knowing the name of something and knowing something.
It's like we're long lost brothers or something...

I am the same exact way: "Jack of all trades, master of none, though oftentimes better than master of one" Although, I prefer the term Renaissance Man more. The only subjects that I'm a true master of are biochemistry and molecular biology. But I like the fact that I can fix a car, redo a basement, write a book, play a guitar, have good hand-eye coordination for sports. I'm no Rembrandt in all those other things, but I'm good enough to be proficient at them (i.e. not suck).

My current project is taking education courses through my university to be a better teacher.

I guess I'm always dabbling in a "flavor of the month" project to keep me busy. I think next semester I'm going to take a few math courses to brush up on my integration skillz, yo.

---------- Post added at 10:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:34 AM ----------

I got a 120K/year job offer, though i still have to go through a couple layers of interviews...if it turns into an actual job, I'll be posting again in the epic win thread ;)

In Texas doesn't anything over 90K a year qualify you as a billionaire?



Eh the bigger the house the longer it takes to clean.



In Texas doesn't anything over 90K a year qualify you as a billionaire?
I wish. ;)
It can be very easy to feel like you haven't 'made it' yet. No matter how much you dough you make, you're always going to have reminders that you're not the top man on the totem pole.

When I moved into this house, all I could do was marvel at how much room I had. The house I'm in has nearly exactly twice as many square feet as the house I grew up in. These days, all I can do is notice how it's one of the smaller houses in the neighborhood. Thankfully, I'm getting older now and don't care as much about such things as much as I used to. ;)[/QUOTE]

I was just wondering about income vs. cost of living. Isn't it really cheap to live out in Texas (in general, I know it's a huge state)? I consider 120k to be pretty great for living in upper middle class lifestyle almost anywhere, and Texas doesn't tax your salary as bad as other states do right?

And yeah, the size of the house is the last thing I ever give a crap about. My biggest concern in life is whether or not I'll have enough money to keep a roof over my kids, pay for their education and support, and eventually have enough left over to retire before I'm shitting my pants.




God, big houses.... there are so many small families down here that buy enormous houses. Honest-to-God mansions. It's kind of sickening. There's no warmth to them at all. It's just these huge, cold rooms filled with delicate antiques that no one can breathe on. How can you call that a home?



My family's home is not big (well that's relative one of my uncles thinks we live in a mansion but that is because he is a loser who i think spends most of his time in crack houses) and it is full of stuff that is well worn and comfy. I love it.




My roommate and I won a prize at the Toronto Zombie Walk on Saturday! First time we've officially won, although last year they did give us a prize bag at the after party for our Ghostbuster zombie costumes.
This year we didn't do a theme costume, we just did the best damn makeup we could.

Got the photo from this site. Want to make sure the photographer is credited:
Toronto Zombie Walk 2010 | Picture Gallery




I hit the 45 lbs lost since late July mark this morning. Booyah?




In Texas doesn't anything over 90K a year qualify you as a billionaire?
I wish. ;)
It can be very easy to feel like you haven't 'made it' yet. No matter how much you dough you make, you're always going to have reminders that you're not the top man on the totem pole.

When I moved into this house, all I could do was marvel at how much room I had. The house I'm in has nearly exactly twice as many square feet as the house I grew up in. These days, all I can do is notice how it's one of the smaller houses in the neighborhood. Thankfully, I'm getting older now and don't care as much about such things as much as I used to. ;)[/QUOTE]

I was just wondering about income vs. cost of living. Isn't it really cheap to live out in Texas (in general, I know it's a huge state)? I consider 120k to be pretty great for living in upper middle class lifestyle almost anywhere, and Texas doesn't tax your salary as bad as other states do right?

And yeah, the size of the house is the last thing I ever give a crap about. My biggest concern in life is whether or not I'll have enough money to keep a roof over my kids, pay for their education and support, and eventually have enough left over to retire before I'm shitting my pants.[/QUOTE]

In most cities in Texas 120k is quite a bit for a single earner. For a two member household that puts you in middle/upper middle, for a single member household that puts you at entry level wealthy.

Of course it matters where you live though. Food and stuff is always cheap in texas, but houses can get obscene here just like anywhere else. There are places in Austin and Houston where you are looking at 500k-2 mil for a tiny little bungalow.


Anyways, going back to the original comment, I COMPLETELY get the feeling of never having enough. I have doubled my salary since I got out of college, and back then I kept thinking "man, this is a lot of money". Now, making twice as much, I am thinking "this is never going to be enough." For my island that is. Have to keep things in perspective.



Frankie Williamson

I feel the same way Nec, except, I want a mountaintop fortress.




I wear suits well. Which is good because I have to wear a suit every day.




I am the brand new MK-19 Gunner for my truck, I get to shoot 40mm Grenades....from an automatic gun! FUCKING BOOM HOUSE SHOT!


Element 117

I actually laugh aloud at the image of "boom, house shot"




It's like a head shot only EPIC.


Element 117

We need a video of Doc saying that. With the sniper's accent




Dude, Doc. *brofist* I loved my (brief) stint on the Mk-19. It made me feel like Emperor Chang.




I have a super-genius IQ, can draw and paint, have trade skills out the wazoo (auto mechanics, plumbing, electrical), produce more innovative research than the rest of my department combined despite being lazy, have a terminal degree in physics (geophysics to be precise), exercise regularly, AND I'm damn good looking.

Plus, like Necronic and Chazwozel, I've always bragged that my superpower is to learn any new skill to competence extremely quickly.

(All this is counterbalanced by the aforementioned laziness and ennui.)


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

I also have a very high IQ, but I'm so lazy it's not particularly useful...



I also have a very high IQ, but I'm so lazy it's not particularly useful...

I'm consider myself pretty lazy too, but my intellect counter balances that laziness with the ability to crank out really good work in a short amount of time. In other words, I'm lazy for 4 to 5 days out of the week, but for two I get tons of shit done really well, really fast. I know this is always the case. I wish i could chunk my work and time out into nice bite size pieces, but I prefer to just get all the shit done in a short amount of time. I can't imagine what my next level would be if I actually utilized my time as much as some of the Type A folks I know.

I dunno maybe Fade's and my own definition of lazy is 100% productive compared to other types of people? All I know is I spend more time reading and doing shit at work that's not related to work, but still do a good job.

Here was a typical day "at the office" for me:

Now, as a prof, my job is actually a lot simpler than that.




Hello self.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

I'm consider myself pretty lazy too, but my intellect counter balances that laziness with the ability to crank out really good work in a short amount of time.
That's how I got through school, university, master's and job as a journalist :awesome:

I still feel bad about it, though.



Hello self.

I can draw too!

Not that great, but not that bad either. This was inspired after reading the Dark Tower series.




We need a video of Doc saying that. With the sniper's accent
As soon as I get a chance to fire it, you will have your video :D. My second Stryker (yes I am signed for over $5million in equipment) is in services so I have to ride in my crappy ambulance (which still weighs 32 tons).




I have a pretty darn high IQ too although you wouldn't know it.

I'm fucking hilarious AND I fuck hilariously.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Another time this was mentioned here, there also seemed to be a high amount of high IQ forumites. Maybe it's poll time?


Element 117

I can also walk like an Egyptian




Another time this was mentioned here, there also seemed to be a high amount of high IQ forumites. Maybe it's poll time?
I have a low IQ, so fuck that shit!



Another time this was mentioned here, there also seemed to be a high amount of high IQ forumites. Maybe it's poll time?
I have a low IQ, so fuck that shit![/QUOTE]

I've never had my IQ tested, so I can't say mines high, low, or just toasted - nicely toasted.




Another time this was mentioned here, there also seemed to be a high amount of high IQ forumites. Maybe it's poll time?
I have a low IQ, so fuck that shit![/QUOTE]

I've never had my IQ tested, so I can't say mines high, low, or just toasted - nicely toasted.[/QUOTE]

I would think anyone with an advanced degree would have a higher-than-average IQ.

---------- Post added at 06:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:57 PM ----------

I also have a very high IQ, but I'm so lazy it's not particularly useful...

I'm consider myself pretty lazy too, but my intellect counter balances that laziness with the ability to crank out really good work in a short amount of time. In other words, I'm lazy for 4 to 5 days out of the week, but for two I get tons of shit done really well, really fast. I know this is always the case. I wish i could chunk my work and time out into nice bite size pieces, but I prefer to just get all the shit done in a short amount of time. I can't imagine what my next level would be if I actually utilized my time as much as some of the Type A folks I know.

I dunno maybe Fade's and my own definition of lazy is 100% productive compared to other types of people? All I know is I spend more time reading and doing shit at work that's not related to work, but still do a good job.

Here was a typical day "at the office" for me:

Now, as a prof, my job is actually a lot simpler than that.[/QUOTE]

Also, we need a topic of "Draw your typical day at work"!




I would think anyone with an advanced degree would have a higher-than-average IQ.
As someone with a genius level IQ who's still trying to finish community college, I can tell you it's more a matter of attitude and hard work than you might think. :(




I have a super-genius IQ, can draw and paint, have trade skills out the wazoo (auto mechanics, plumbing, electrical), produce more innovative research than the rest of my department combined despite being lazy, have a terminal degree in physics (geophysics to be precise), exercise regularly, AND I'm damn good looking.

Plus, like Necronic and Chazwozel, I've always bragged that my superpower is to learn any new skill to competence extremely quickly.

(All this is counterbalanced by the aforementioned laziness and ennui.)
If only you could find something you liked.




I would think anyone with an advanced degree would have a higher-than-average IQ.
As someone with a genius level IQ who's still trying to finish community college, I can tell you it's more a matter of attitude and hard work than you might think. :([/QUOTE]

True enough, but incredibly stupid people aren't usually successful in pursuing a degree....well, maybe a marketing one.



I disagree completely. I have concluded after years of living on campus that higher degrees don't have anything to do with intelligence they just have to do with willingness to work. So as long as someone has at least competent intelligence and is willing to do the work he can get an advanced degree. (And yes I include JD and MD in that statement).


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Also, you may find people like me who, when tested, have a very high IQ, but also have something that falls under the general and completely useless label of Discalculia (this is spanish, I don't know what the english word may be), wich is applied to a collection of simptoms, not causes, wich make me have a very hard time using numbers, calendars, maps and other similar stuff. Just to say a few examples, I learned one year ago wich seasons correspond to wich months and I've spent part of the current year thinking I was one year older than I am.
IQ can never be trusted to mean anything about a person.




Also, you may find people like me who, when tested, have a very high IQ, but also have something that falls under the general and completely useless label of Discalculia (this is spanish, I don't know what the english word may be), wich is applied to a collection of simptoms, not causes, wich make me have a very hard time using numbers, calendars, maps and other similar stuff. Just to say a few examples, I learned one year ago wich seasons correspond to wich months and I've spent part of the current year thinking I was one year older than I am.
IQ can never be trusted to mean anything about a person.
Discalculia is same english and spanish. Er, I guess 'dyscalculia'..

---------- Post added at 08:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:43 PM ----------

I disagree completely. I have concluded after years of living on campus that higher degrees don't have anything to do with intelligence they just have to do with willingness to work. So as long as someone has at least competent intelligence and is willing to do the work he can get an advanced degree. (And yes I include JD and MD in that statement).
Competent intelligence seems to be increasingly 'above average' :(


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Well, that then.

The symptoms in the wiki page are pretty spot on too...



Also, you may find people like me who, when tested, have a very high IQ, but also have something that falls under the general and completely useless label of Discalculia (this is spanish, I don't know what the english word may be), wich is applied to a collection of simptoms, not causes, wich make me have a very hard time using numbers, calendars, maps and other similar stuff. Just to say a few examples, I learned one year ago wich seasons correspond to wich months and I've spent part of the current year thinking I was one year older than I am.
IQ can never be trusted to mean anything about a person.
Discalculia is same english and spanish. Er, I guess 'dyscalculia'..

---------- Post added at 08:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:43 PM ----------

I disagree completely. I have concluded after years of living on campus that higher degrees don't have anything to do with intelligence they just have to do with willingness to work. So as long as someone has at least competent intelligence and is willing to do the work he can get an advanced degree. (And yes I include JD and MD in that statement).
Competent intelligence seems to be increasingly 'above average' :([/QUOTE]

Yes true. And I second the :(



I disagree completely. I have concluded after years of living on campus that higher degrees don't have anything to do with intelligence they just have to do with willingness to work. So as long as someone has at least competent intelligence and is willing to do the work he can get an advanced degree. (And yes I include JD and MD in that statement).
Well no, you can't be below average in intelligence and get through Med School. It's really impossible. First you need pretty much a 3.5 -4.0 undergrad GPA, then there's the MCAT, then there's Med School, then there's Boards, then there's residency, then there's Step 3's. I agree, it's a lot of hard work, but you can't be stupid either. You... you just can't.

As far as my own personal experiences in grad school go, there were people who weren't as bright as others, but in the end you still have to convince a committee that you're competent enough to be considered an expert in your field. Your committee has no financial obligation to keep you in grad school, unlike med school. I've seen people get booted from their programs before, not because they thought it was too hard, but because they just couldn't cut it.

Lawyers and Judges...well...




It depends on the school. I know some places where they hand out master's degrees like old newspaper as long as you slap together something sort of passable.



I didn't say stupid. I said competent. I stand by what I said, if you are competent you can get pretty much any advanced degree.


Element 117

Chaz vs Makare, round 1, Fight #426942124.....

*pops popcorn*




You know what they call the person who graduates last in their class in Med School?





You know what they call the person who graduates last in their class in Med School?

You know what they call the person who graduates first in their class in Journalism School?

"Sandwich Artist"




Wait...what does "competent" mean? If it actually means "competent", then I should hope that anyone of "competent" intelligence should be able to graduate, since that's kind of the meaning of the word.




Wait...what does "competent" mean? If it actually means "competent", then I should hope that anyone of "competent" intelligence should be able to graduate, since that's kind of the meaning of the word.
I'm guessing you don't like the way it's used.



Wait...what does "competent" mean? If it actually means "competent", then I should hope that anyone of "competent" intelligence should be able to graduate, since that's kind of the meaning of the word.
Yeah. Competent does not mean above average it simply means competent. I have no idea why chaz decided it means stupid since no one has said anything about stupid in the entire conversation.




To put it another way, I don't think this should be news. There are good ditch diggers and bad ditch diggers. There are good PhDs and bad PhDs.



Well yeah. I'm certainly not saying that every advanced degree person is mundane. I simply mean they aren't all brilliant because they don't have to be. How often do you meet someone with an advanced degree who is BRILLIANT? Even the ones who are published... that doesn't mean anything either there is brilliance published and drek. You don't have to be above average intelligence to get the degree but there are those who are brilliant who do. It's diamond in the rough. Most of the people are the rough.




My father in law is brilliant, but I swear he is downright mentally incompetent.



There are a bunch of tests that tell me I'm brilliant but why then do I not even have the common sense God gave a tennis racket?





Dirty tennis racket is a lousy suck up.



You've made this whole thing sound dirty now.

Shame on you.



You know what they call the person who graduates last in their class in Med School?

Yeah, and then "Doctor" gets shipped off to Guatemala because the only hospital in the United States that'll take him for residency is Hollywood Upstairs Medical.

---------- Post added at 07:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:45 PM ----------

Wait...what does "competent" mean? If it actually means "competent", then I should hope that anyone of "competent" intelligence should be able to graduate, since that's kind of the meaning of the word.
Yeah. Competent does not mean above average it simply means competent. I have no idea why chaz decided it means stupid since no one has said anything about stupid in the entire conversation.[/QUOTE]

And I'm saying that, yes, you do need to be above average to get through med and get anywhere in science.




I guess I'm not quite understanding what defines "brilliant". No faculty at an R1 school, or even an R2 school is anything less than very bright. If they are, they get booted in their tenure track pretty quickly (about to happen to one of us here). You just can't float a turd. If brilliant means making breakout discoveries, again, I think many faculty members do. A media darling like Einstein or Edison or Watson and Crick is difficult to find these days, but that doesn't mean that there are less people making breakthroughs. They're just less interesting to the the public. An equivalent to relativity just doesn't sell newspapers anymore. There are people I know who have advanced basic physics significantly, but their advancements aren't tied to a war-ending bomb. You might even say that the problem is that the "rough" has become rather sparkly, making the diamonds harder to pick out.


Element 117

distinguished; illustrious: a brilliant performance by a young pianist.
having or showing great intelligence, talent, quality, etc.: a brilliant technician.
Brilliant | Define Brilliant at Dictionary.com




I used to believe I was fairly bright, but the world has surely proven me wrong many times over.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

I am the brand new MK-19 Gunner for my truck, I get to shoot 40mm Grenades....from an automatic gun! FUCKING BOOM HOUSE SHOT!
Please don't blow up people's houses


Element 117

I am the brand new MK-19 Gunner for my truck, I get to shoot 40mm Grenades....from an automatic gun! FUCKING BOOM HOUSE SHOT!
Please don't blow up people's houses[/QUOTE]

That's cool, supress the construction industry with your communist policies. Whatevs.



Only blow them up if they paid their fees.


Element 117

Only blow them up if they paid their fees.
isn't it the other way around with some home owners associations?



Only if you remove the up from my statement... and it is in Nevada.


Element 117



tomato, tomahto




The Mk.19 is an awesome weapon, that's for sure.




I'm the third most attractive male Halforums moderator.



My shit literally smelled like cinnamon buns this morning.




TMI for those opposed to scatological conversation...
Mine routinely smells like coffee. Which can get very disconcerting
