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BREAKING NEWS: Scott quits PvP!




If only... ;)

But there is this latest tweet from one mister Kurtz:
@pvponline said:
Just recieved the original art to Becky and Frank's guest strip. It's so good I quit. Thanks everyone. PvP was fun. Later.
The PvP strip was decent, but the work they did on Lookouts and especially their recent PA guest shot loses me. I should not have to ask the artist over and over again just what the smurf is going on.

They may have fans over at Tiny Kitten Teeth, but I'm sure as hell not one of them.




He posts tweets of basset hound puppies, so yeah. :)




You still follow that clown? :p
"He hasn't died of massive artery clogs yet?" would have been my question. :slywink:


Kitty Sinatra

You still follow that clown? :p
"He hasn't died of massive artery clogs yet?" would have been my question. :slywink:[/QUOTE]
Well of course he hasn't died yet. And won't any time soon. He's loved only by a few. :cool:




Well of course he hasn't died yet. And won't any time soon. He's loved only by a few. :cool:
Damn, you're right. Top that off with unnattractive and not very smart.... he's gonna live to be 90 at least! :rolleyes:




"Just thought of a funny storyline for this week. Retirement postponed." 9 minutes ago


Kitty Sinatra

It's already Monday afternoon. Shouldn't he have had this week's storyline a little earlier?




It's already Monday afternoon. Shouldn't he have had this week's storyline a little earlier?

That's a good one!





And his fanflow page now says:

The connection has timed out

The server at t.assetbar.com is taking too long to respond.
I guess that's what happens to your assetbar when you haven't updated it since 6-8-09. Hope those people that paid for it are glad they spent that money.




It amazes me he still doesn't understand why people get upset with him.




And his fanflow page now says:

The connection has timed out

The server at t.assetbar.com is taking too long to respond.
I guess that's what happens to your assetbar when you haven't updated it since 6-8-09. Hope those people that paid for it are glad they spent that money.
You know, BETA was invented for people like Scott. If he wasn't advertising it on the front page as his fan management interface, then I wouldn't rag on him about it - talk about it in twitter a few times for those fans in-the-know and see how it pans out. If it fails, no big deal - it was just a test to see if something like that could work out.

But advertising on the front page as a first-class service of PvP - I' mean, he's out there, showing, on his front page, that he has 4 month old content that he's trying to sell!

Right next to it he's selling t-shirts and other swag - but the one thing that's trivially easy to update (as easy as twitter, which he is managing to keep up with) he can't manage. I'm certain it keeps a couple people from trusting that they'll get ordered merchandise.

The man has no business sense. Failures happen, but don't let old failures pile up and prevent you from getting new business.





And his fanflow page now says:

The connection has timed out

The server at t.assetbar.com is taking too long to respond.
I guess that's what happens to your assetbar when you haven't updated it since 6-8-09. Hope those people that paid for it are glad they spent that money.
You know, BETA was invented for people like Scott. If he wasn't advertising it on the front page as his fan management interface, then I wouldn't rag on him about it - talk about it in twitter a few times for those fans in-the-know and see how it pans out. If it fails, no big deal - it was just a test to see if something like that could work out.

But advertising on the front page as a first-class service of PvP - I' mean, he's out there, showing, on his front page, that he has 4 month old content that he's trying to sell!

Right next to it he's selling t-shirts and other swag - but the one thing that's trivially easy to update (as easy as twitter, which he is managing to keep up with) he can't manage. I'm certain it keeps a couple people from trusting that they'll get ordered merchandise.

The man has no business sense. Failures happen, but don't let old failures pile up and prevent you from getting new business.


I wonder if Assetbar is as easy to update as Twitter. Frankly, Twitter serves his needs perfectly. I just wonder if any of his apologists (of which I was one when the Assetbar thing started) are still backing him. I still like Scott. I think he just-

OOH! Shiny!




I still keep reading that as asshat bar.




I just wonder if any of his apologists (of which I was one when the Assetbar thing started) are still backing him. I still like Scott.

You gained the achievement SCOTT KURTZ APOLOGIST EMERITUS.

