Bride's bouquet brings down plane

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The traditional throwing of a bride's bouquet for luck ended in disaster at an Italian wedding when the flowers caused a plane to crash.

The bride and groom had hired a small plane to fly past and throw the bouquet to a line of women guests, Corriere della Sera reported.

However, the flowers were sucked into the plane's engine causing it to catch fire and explode.

The aircraft plunged into a hostel. One passenger on the plane was badly hurt.

But about 50 people who had been in the hostel escaped unscathed, as did the pilot.


The incident happened at Montioni park in Suvereto, near Livorno, where the wedding reception was being held, Corriere della Sera said.

A passenger on the aircraft, named as Isidoro Pensieri, 44, had the job of throwing the bouquet as pilot Luciano Nannelli flew past.

It is believed the bunch of flowers became entangled as it was thrown, and was sucked into one of the engines.

Ms Pensieri suffered multiple fractures and a head injury. She was taken to hospital in Grosseto by helicopter and then transferred to another in Pisa, Italian media reported.

Is it bad that I found this highly amusing?
"We were married in an idyllic pasture in the middle of July. I kissed your mother deeply, and then a plane exploded. Anyways, the reception was awkward, what with the burn ward next door."


Not going to lie I chuckled at this just getting the mental image of how perfect its suppose to be then it turns out like a sitcom. Certainly glad no one died of course.


Well.... with a such a memorable event, I'm sure the wife/husband WON'T forget their anniversary.
A bouquet plummeting into the crowd at the speed of an airplane would have worked out well too.

:aaahhh: :aaahhh: :aaahhh: :aaahhh: :aaahhh:
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