Brightness/Gamma Resetting After Closing Games

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While alt-tabbing or closing certain games, my brightness/gamma will reset to very default 1.0 settings (my gamma custom setting is .75). Then when I enter games, the gamma will reset to 1.0 and the game will be flushed with brightness.

The only way I've learned how to deal with this is restarting my computer. I've also spent about 2 days straight looking online for a solution and noone seems to have one. Anyone here ever experience/fix this?
Is it with one game in particular or is it with any game you try? Also is it only if the game is in full screen mode? And lastly what graphics card are you using?
Is it with one game in particular or is it with any game you try? Also is it only if the game is in full screen mode? And lastly what graphics card are you using?
So far if I Alt-Tab out of Awesomenauts which is a full screen only game. GTX580 with updated drivers.
I would check to see if the game has in-game gamma adjustment, and if so, set it back to default. If you have custom driver-level Gamma set and the game does all of its adjustment by just saying "default + .05" instead of "set to exactly 1.05" then you will get what they call "unpredictable behavior" in the industry.

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