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broken metal hinge on a dvd boxset




figured it might be worth asking, I bought an extremely rare boxset thats made like a military ammo box, the hinge side is missing its pin and thus the top is only loosely on, was curious if anyone had any suggestions on how to restore it? There are thumbnails of the full size pictures below, if anyone has suggestions it would be appreciated.

2012-09-23 21.27.17.jpg2012-09-23 21.27.37.jpg2012-09-23 21.28.03.jpg




My first thought is to use a straightened paper clip or a similar piece of wire. But I'm good at rigging things so they function, not restored to like new.




Got a metal wire hanger you can sacrifice?




My first thought is to use a straightened paper clip or a similar piece of wire. But I'm good at rigging things so they function, not restored to like new.
That's what we used to always do to fix this exact problem.




thanks to you guys, gal, and noaxark from #pvponline I was able to fashion a replacement pin from some chrome plated stiff nickle wire, I pushed it through and bent it around the housing on each side so it can not fall out, and I now have a strong pin in the hinge. I received the box-set at a substantially reduced price because the shop selling it could not think of a way to repair said hinge. so your brain power has allowed me to restore the full value to the item.

My deepest thanks and gratitude to all of you for the help!




You have the ultra rare Armored Trooper VOTOMS set? Lucky. Loved that show when they used to play it and Irresponsible Captain Tylor on the old International Channel.




haha, i didnt think anyone would have ever heard of it! got it for $40 from my local used shop because it was "as-is broken". I also own the Irresponsible Captain Taylor sets as well lol.




VOTOMS is basically what put the "real" in the "real robot" genre. It's actually pretty important if you like that genre.
