[BSG] Board game PbP (signups open)

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After forty years passing without a single word from the Cylons, they returned, and all but eradicated the human race. In this time of strife, they must put aside the petty differences that once separated them and focus on one thing — survival.

Humanity's only hope of a future is to find a new home; a place called Earth. The Cylons, however, are in constant and tireless pursuit. They now look, breathe and bleed exactly like humans. Cylons have infiltrated the Fleet, destroyed resources, and threaten to finish the extermination they have begun. The humans have no choice but to run, plagued by the paranoia of an indistinguishable enemy.

Are you a Cylon who will help to erase any memory of the human race? Or will your resilience and determination to survive prove to the Cylons that humanity is worth saving?
Rules and Utilities - Please refer to these often, as not all information about the game is collected in this post.

Rules, from the Fantasy Flight Games website
FAQ and Errata, from the Fantasy Flight Games website
Variant Rules
Player Aid 1, on BoardGameGeek
Player Aid 2, on BoardGameGeek

Notes and Guidelines for this play-by-post game:
Secrecy is an important part of this game! As such, the following rules must be followed at all times:
  • You may not tell other players the exact value/type of cards that are in your hand, that you plan to put into a Skill Check, or what you had put into a Skill Check after it is resolved. You may still use vague terms to describe the cards you hold/play. (i.e. "I have a number of cards that can help in this situation.")
  • If an ability or action allows you to look at the top card of any deck, you are not allowed to tell the other players what that card is or any specific information about it.
  • All communication between players must be made through this thread. No private conversations allowed!
  • Human players and Revealed Cylons must both adhere to these rules: Revealed Cylons may not show their hands to other players or reveal their Super Crisis card until they play it.

Any time you are playing or discarding an action card, it should be reported in the thread. The only secret plays are those made to skill checks. On skill checks, the rules state that submissions to the check are made beginning with the player after the active player then continuing in turn order, ending with the active player. Thus, if it is important you may request to know how many cards people coming before you in that order contributed before deciding on your own submission. Such requests should be in bold cyan to be official and may be answered either by the GM or by the players involved; any other discussions of cards submitted to a check will be considered provisional and non-binding. Final submission numbers will be given by the GM at the time of resolution.

There are a number of Skill Cards that can be played under certain conditions. For the purposes of keeping things moving at a good pace, I recommend sending me a PM guidelines or instructions in advance detailing the circumstances in which you want to use them.

Skill Cards that come before events:
Tactics 3-5: Strategic Planning is played before a die roll; adds 2 to the result.
Engineering 3-5: Scientific Research is played before cards are added on a skill check; lets engineering cards be added for any check
Politics 3-5: Investigative Committee is played before cards are added on a skill check; all cards are played face up

Playing Scientific Research or Investigative Committee MUST be declared BEFORE the person playing them submits their own cards on a skill check. Once you make a submission it will be too late for those. On Strategic Planning, I advise you to consider circumstances when you might want to use it and PM me general guidelines. If an applicable situation comes up, I'll wait on the die roll for you to check in.

If an Investigative Committee is played halfway through a skill check, all players who have already contributed to the check will be allowed to change their contributions from what they initially PM'd me before they post them to the thread.

Skill Cards that come after events:
Piloting 1-2: Evasive Maneuvers is played after a viper is attacked and damaged or destroyed; the die is re-rolled, subtracting 2 from the result if piloted by a player character.
Leadership 3-5: Declare Emergency is played after a failed Skill Check; subtracts two from the total needed for a complete pass, not affecting the amount needed for a partial pass.

There's a nice rules summary here. I would have copied and pasted into this thread, but our board doesn't like the deeply nested spoilers.

This will be a five player game of the base set and rules. !Sign Up as a player -- I will begin when (or if) we get five players. First come, first served.

Original OP taken from Akinos/Darian, modified by MrBlarney, stolen back by Darian and now stolen by Rius, all from Penny Arcade, and finally stolen by me. Thanks to all those who came before me!
[Interest on] Play-by-post board game

Not sure if want.... Never played any of those, but I might be keen. Also keen on a pbp dnd game if anybody wants to have a crack at that too. Stupid time zones :( gmt+8 ftl


[Interest on] Play-by-post board game

Basically every turn the host will post an updated board, and then the players either post their actions in the thread or PM them to the host, depending on whether the actions contain secret info or not. The host then updates the board based on that info and posts a new board picture. There are some examples here.

Some board games are more amenable to PbP. Generally you want a game where either everyone decides on their actions at once (Diplomacy, Robo Rally, RftG), there's a lot of discussion and things to do on other player's turns (Battlestar Galactica).


Sign ups are now open. We will start when we get five people signed up. If there's not enough interest, the game will be canceled.


I am interested in this. I enjoyed playing this board game with my friends a while ago.


Staff member
I've been watching Spoony play the BSG board game with his friends, so this sounds like a lot of fun. I'm not sure I'm up to it, though, because I've got a lot of stuff going on right now.

I'll try this: If you're stuck at four sign-ups for a while, and need one more in order to play the game, I'll join in and do my best to keep up. If you've got enough people otherwise, I'll sit out.


My my, isn't that interesting... I happen to OWN the game (in fact, I'm looking at it right now), and it is probably my favourite board game of all time... I certainly WOULD like to play it with you guys...

... on the other hand, I'm unsure of my availability for a PbP game... what is the expected pace of the game? Let's say... with a crisis per day, I imagine one would need to be able to post at least 4 times per day (I suppose one or two for discussing, another for interruptions, either I.C., Scientific Research or Declare Emergency, and other for the skill cards). I don't know if I can keep this up for a couple of months... What are your expectations?

I am curious about how one would play a board game by post.
In BSG's particular case, very well... Check the multiple ongoing PbP games on boardgamegeek.


... on the other hand, I'm unsure of my availability for a PbP game... what is the expected pace of the game? Let's say... with a crisis per day, I imagine one would need to be able to post at least 4 times per day (I suppose one or two for discussing, another for interruptions, either I.C., Scientific Research or Declare Emergency, and other for the skill cards). I don't know if I can keep this up for a couple of months... What are your expectations?
The way I've seen it run it's usually a pace of about 1-2 posts per day -- one for discussing, one for contributing to the crisis check, and one for your actions (if it's your turn).

There are two ways of handing Scientific Research, Declare Emergency, etc -- either PM the host the situations under which you will use the card, or if not too much has happened, we back up the game to the point you would have played the card. This is actually not as bad as it sounds, as it usually means at most a couple of people have to re-add cards to a skill check which is in progress.


So at the moment it looks like the people who have signed up are:
1) RealBigNuke
2) tegid
3) mr_thehun
with figmentPez being willing to make up the 5th slot if we can't find anyone else. So we're still short 1-2 people.
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