Bumble's cat... (Sadness, ahoy!)

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My cat, Snapper, is very old.. he's probably 21 this year..

But right now he's dying :(

This is the saddest thing I have ever seen, and I feel fucking horrible..

I has a massive, raging sad...

I just needed to tell someone, and Halforum is definitely the first place I just turned to for comfort.
Sorry, man :( I've had to stand helpless by some pets as they died before, and it sucks. *Man-hugs bumble*
Aw man, that's heartbreaking.

21 seems like a good long life, but I know that doesn't matter right now.

I've really got nothing to say beyond that, other than Halforums is dedicated to making me dream sad dreams (nightmares?) of cats tonight.

It may just work.
21 is very old for a cat. he must have had a good long life.

Yet, i understand how you feel. My favourite cat died at 17 years old when i was 21 or something. It had been with me all my life.

It's just a pet but it still sucks.


Staff member
Aww, I'm sorry, Bumble. :( I'm glad your cat lived long enough for y'all to have some good times. :hug:

My cat is only in his fifth year and doesn't show any signs of slowing down.

But 21? That's a damn fine, long life for an animal. That's not a life to be sad about. That's a life to celebrate. Be happy you had him for so long. :)


Take him to the vet and have him put down to minimize his pain. Sorry, bro.
Thanks guys, I know this thread was kinda pointless but well.. I dunno, it helped lol

Last night he died in his sleep. I'm glad he got to go that way.

I know 21 is a good long life, and it's weird that he's gone now.. That cat was alive longer than my little brother, and my girlfriend have been lol..

I think the reason it was so hard is that we were unable, as Chaz suggested, to have him put down.
I won't get paid until the 10th, and I have zero money right now.. I know it's terrible, but I couldn't afford to pay for the shot..

But at least his pain is over now, he can finally sleep after 21 long years of.. .....sleeping. and eating.

Farewell, Snapper. Wait for us in Kitty heaven, and please don't sleep on our clothes while you wait for us to get there. You get hair all over them.

Philosopher B.

My condolences, man. My cat is getting up there in years himself. I dunno how I'll cope when he goes.
I've had to go through this 3 times in the past 3 years, and I have three more to go (19, 12, and 9 years of age). Each one is hard for its own reasons. My condolences. It always hurts.

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