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Bunch of guys tattoo a 14-year old on his butt





CBS said:
CBS) Four young men in Concord, N.H., have been accused of forcing a 14-year-old special needs student to get an obscene tattoo on his backside.

CBS News correspondent Jim Axelrod reported three seniors at Concord High School -- plus a drop out -- face charges in what police say was an especially cruel episode of bullying.


Police say the classmates told the victim they'd stop picking on him if he let them tattoo the image on his rear end. Three of the suspects allegedly tattooed him with their own needles.

The mother of one of them says the boys acted stupidly, but not maliciously.

Patti VanNest said, "They told me about it. They were joking about it. They thought it was something funny. And I believe there wasn't any animosity or hatred."

Police were called when a teacher saw some students passing around photos of the tattoo.

Connolly said, "Folks been using the word bullying. I almost think it's more horrific than bullying."

The charges include assault, endangering the welfare of a minor and indecent exposure. If convicted, the four suspects are looking at sentences ranging from three to 13 years.

Child and adolescent psychologist Dr. Jennifer Hartstein said on "The Early Show" Tuesday that children with special needs, such as the one in this case, are especially vulnerable.

"These kids want to be included, they want to participate, they want to be part of the crowd. And now all freshmen want to be part of the crowd. But then add a cognitive limitation in there, and there's even more. So he was especially vulnerable to want to be part of these older kids, 17, 18, 19, 20-year-old kids wanted to befriend him, how great, how cool. So he worked really hard to do whatever it was that they might want. And ultimately this was the horrible consequence."


Hartstein said, "It's bullying taken a step further, especially because you're dealing with some young men who are adults. In the eyes of the law, 18, 19, 20, they're adults. So now you're taking it to a different level. But at the end of the day, it's almost really traditional bullying, really, 'You do this, you will be our friend.' And that's just what it came down to."
I don't even know what the hell anymore.




Ugh. Assholes.




There's bullying (which is jacked up), and then there's this retarded shit. Brand those fuckers and pass around pics of them at the school.




Wait, wait, wait. The mother of one of the kids who did this...

The mother of one of them says the boys acted stupidly, but not maliciously.

Patti VanNest said, "They told me about it. They were joking about it. They thought it was something funny. And I believe there wasn't any animosity or hatred."
Is she trying to.... justify this? "Oh well they didn't hate him, they just thought it was funny." WTF?! Who cares if they hated him or not, the fact that they thought it was *funny* is flat out sick.




they all need something like this


Philosopher B.

The charges include assault, endangering the welfare of a minor and indecent exposure. If convicted, the four suspects are looking at sentences ranging from three to 13 years.
Bet those fucksticks aren't hee-hawing now.




they all need something like this
When I first saw that I was like "wow.. that must be some pretty evil ex girlfriend or something"

and then I followed the link to the story... katie was a 10 year old the man abused and killed. Fuck him. Tattoo's barely a blip in what he deserves.


Wasabi Poptart

Wait, wait, wait. The mother of one of the kids who did this...

The mother of one of them says the boys acted stupidly, but not maliciously.

Patti VanNest said, "They told me about it. They were joking about it. They thought it was something funny. And I believe there wasn't any animosity or hatred."
Is she trying to.... justify this? "Oh well they didn't hate him, they just thought it was funny." WTF?! Who cares if they hated him or not, the fact that they thought it was *funny* is flat out sick.
They are not KIDS! These guys were 17 - 20 years old according to the article (ok the 17 year old is a kid, but damn close enough to legal age to not have his Mommy sticking up for him like he's 10).


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I'm sure they're kids to mommy dearest. I can't stand morons who don't know when their own kids did wrong. Your parents should be the first people you're in trouble with.

Though I thought the topic title meant some guys tattooed an image of a 14-year-old on their butts.



The mother of one of them says the boys acted stupidly, but not maliciously.

Patti VanNest said, "They told me about it. They were joking about it. They thought it was something funny. And I believe there wasn't any animosity or hatred."
Patti VanNest. You are part of the problem.




What did they tattoo on the butt, anyway?



What did they tattoo on the butt, anyway?
A 14-year old, apparently.




Hey! It's the type of butt you like!!




Hey! It's the type of butt you like!!

Well wasn't that a cheeky quip at poor Iacurus. :p




I don't like the use of the term "Special Needs." Because it can mean anything, from a mild learning disability to severe retardation and deformity. So we have no idea what shape the kid was in when these jerks were bullying him.




He could have been a normal 14 year old boy hanging with these guys and he'd have done the same thing. peer pressure at that age is enormous.




He could have been a normal 14 year old boy hanging with these guys and he'd have done the same thing. peer pressure at that age is enormous.
That is what I mean, the article used a term to describe a kid that has 100's of meanings. The drop out by definition was a special needs kid. So the article should read, Special Needs Kids Bullying Each Other.




Jet is considered a "special needs" kid because of his cleft palate and, formerly, his cleft lip. So, yeh, the deifnition can be quite broad.

My worst fear is Jet being bullied when he goes to school. I was bullied right on up to Junior High school because of my weight. After my mom died and I started slimming down quite a bit all ridicule ceased but I still feel resentful of it. Also, while I was being bullied I did all sorts of crazy shit to try and get kids to like me...I really feel for this poor kid.




More info: here and here.

Apparently they threatened to punch him [the 14 year old] in the face or one guy threatened with ''touching him [the 14yearold] with his [the bully's] penis if he didn't cooperate. They inked him with the words ''poopdick'' across his entire butt.




you know, I grew up in a small town, and got in a lot of fights in my youth. If that had happened in my town, I can guarantee I'd have been punching some fuckers in the face after I found out about it.




More info: here and here.

Apparently they threatened to punch him [the 14 year old] in the face or one guy threatened with ''touching him [the 14yearold] with his [the bully's] penis if he didn't cooperate. They inked him with the words ''poopdick'' across his entire butt.
:cry: Oh my God!




I guess Poopdick was the bullies real nickname.




Your parents should be the first people you're in trouble with.
So much this.

Too many parents these days treat their kids as some holy relic that cannot be touched or blamed for anything. Same reason why teachers aren't allowed (or dare) to take any disciplinary action anymore.

How the hell did these kids get their hands on a tattoo gun anyway ?[/QUOTE]

From what little I read, sounds like they did it prison style. Ball point pen and a regular needle.




The articles clearly state that they had a tattoo gun.




I love the fact that two of them are also charged with "tattooing without a license".




The articles clearly state that they had a tattoo gun.
Maybe they made it out of a Playstation.




The articles clearly state that they had a tattoo gun.
The title of the article said

Four Allegedly Tattoo Special Needs Student
Police Say Four Men Etched Obscene Drawing in 14-Year-Old's Backside Using Their Own Needles




If you read the affidavit you'll see that they called a tattoo guy in. Then he let them all help him. Then he sold them the equipment for $30. Then...I got nothing more. The stupid just keeps piling up.




So not the article from the OP but the supplemental one word links 19 posts later.




The part where they threatened to touch the kid with one of the guys' penises is especially disturbing. Poor kid. :\




Yeah that mom in the article is like all the little gangbangers moms they quote in the newspaper after the little hood rat tries to rob a store or breaks into a home and gets killed "I can't believe the homeowner/store owner shot him!!! My baby would never hurt a fly we need to press charges on the store owner/homeowner for protecting their property from my poor poor baby boy!"




Yeah that mom in the article is like all the little gangbangers moms they quote in the newspaper after the little hood rat tries to rob a store or breaks into a home and gets killed "I can't believe the homeowner/store owner shot him!!! My baby would never hurt a fly we need to press charges on the store owner/homeowner for protecting their property from my poor poor baby boy!"

It only makes sense, who would mostly likely to raise wastes-of-human-beings like these?




Somewhat unrelated. I have a friend who made a tattoo gun out of an electric toothbrush, a pen, and some other things. When he was like 14. Dunno why he isn't an engineer now.

Anyway, he at least did the honorable thing by testing it on himself first.



Yeah, my hometown has a bunch of idiots like this living here.
Concord is a mix of nice New England folk and bored and downright fucktard thinking morons.
I have another story from Concord I will be posting shortly in a new thread.




That 3rd article listed had me lol'ing. Just look at that softy, Mouth-breather with the sandy hair... He is the example of Aryan Supremacy. He is also the one that was threatening all the gay behavior and the one that wrote poopdick on the boy... He will do well in prison.



I'm still in shock over how the guy's mother holds fast to the "boys will be boys" mentality.




I'm still in shock over how the guy's mother holds fast to the "boys will be boys" mentality.
Well, we dont want them running around being girls, now do we!?





Best response EVER!!




That's horrible. But what's more horrible is the pain-inducing OP title. Can we tidy that up so that the sentence actually means what the article saying? Or means something at all?




I'm...sorry? I guess? I seem to have committed a dreadful crime somewhere along the line.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I'm...sorry? I guess? I seem to have committed a dreadful crime somewhere along the line.
Nah, you just can't talk no good.
