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Buying new Processor.




I have a AMD 3+ Mobo and am using an AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4400+
and really need to upgrade the processor. Should I get an X4 or X6?
I use it only for Gaming and Writing Texts and such things. No Photo/Video Editing. Well,no more then an avarage person with a Digi Cam does.
Added at: 15:52
I have a budget of around 140€




Are you sure that you have an AM3+ motherboard? They have only been available for the past 4 months or so. Do you already need a CPU upgrade so soon?





Oops.embarassing.It is an AM3 mobo. The ASRock N68C-S UCC
And why so soon? I think I had this Processor 2 years now and its reeeeaaally chugging when having open Firefox on and using 1 or 2 flash programms.
Added at: 20:31
Plus I cant use DDR 3 RAM untill i upgrade my Processor.




Firefox and 1 or 2 flash programs can use the extra cores, but the real bottleneck for you is memory bandwidth, and possibly memory size.

What's your memory at now?

What hard drive (speed, size) do you have now?

If you want a snappy system, max out your memory, and drop an SSD drive in there. It will be night and day difference even if you keep your current processor. Keep the old harddrive to hold most of your data, but the OS, swap file, and most frequently used programs should go on the SSD.

This, more than a new processor, will have the best effect on your normal usage, especially web browsing with flash.




Phenom II X6 1055t is the fastest processor explicitly supported by your motherboard. There is none higher.
It starts out at 2.8GHz, but it can turbo up to 3.3GHz (which is faster than any of the 2/3/4-core models), plus if you ever do anything that can use all 6 cores, you'll have them.

And it won't blow the board's power budget of 95W. The 960T might be a better choice (it's basically the same chip but in X4 with 2 disabled cores), but the 960T is extremely hard to purchase (generally only meant for OEMs). So 1055t it is.





Thing is,to Max out my memory,I need a new processor.SInce the one I use only recognises DDR2 RAM and I am reluctant to buy them for they are almost twice as expensive as DDR3 and the trend for newer Mobos (as far as I can see in the Online Shops where i check) is to use DDR3.
For the HardDrive I use a Samsung HD200j 200gb Harddrive. And an External Harddrive with 500gb.But that one is only used for Music Files,Movies,Pictures and
other Stuff.




Small question...should I just buy an AM3+ mobo and a Bulldozer CPU or would I still be better off with an Quad Core Black Edition?







Gaming.Nothing more.
I do some writing and a little Photoshop but that dosent really come into the equation,does it.




The 1055T is still your cheapest alternative. Just drop it in and go.

If you are thinking about a new build, and your main purpose is for gaming, then you need to go Intel.





Sigh.You are right.Might as well plonk an extra 100€ and get me a i5- 2500k.




So I bought myself the AMD Phenom II X4 960T Black Edition.my PC runs like a drea,compared to before.
It is enough for all my needs and gives me time to save for a nice gaming rig.




And if you are really, really lucky, you might even be able to unlock all 6 cores.

