By the way, Halforums...CONGRATS!

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Staff member

I know some of these are alts or people we'll never see again, but it's still a milestone, don't you think?
Man, finally. You know how hard it was to churn out alts? Now at least I can take a break.

But yeah, seriously, this is cool stuff. :)


Staff member
And in case you missed it, for the 2nd Anniversary Contest I'm giving away a brand new Wii game console.

This will be the biggest prize I've given away and I couldn't be happier!


Staff member
Dave, I literally wet myself when I heard about the awesome prize. I hope you're happy! Because I am! Happy and squishy!


Staff member
So what's the November contest going to be?
Same as last year. An unnamed Halforumite will travel the world. They will be hiding something somewhere. Based on Yes/No answers (1 allowed per person per hour) you must determine the Forumite, place the thing is hidden and what that thing is. To win you have to post the avatar, Google Map of the place and an internet picture of the thing.

Read last year's HERE:


Man... reading that thread, I finally understand all of the "west of Acapulco" jokes.

and here I was thinking I was missing out on some vital part of pop culture.
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