C # programming?

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So the only programming I really know is a little bit of VBasic, some C++ (VERY very little, mainly understanding the syntax) and a LOT of Gamemaker. =) ...

Any Xbox 360 users can download an Indie game called "Oh Noes!!1!" which is one of the world's most stupid games for it's simplicity - you play a poorly animated, giant chicken that shoots laser beams out of it's eyes and stomps on people. It's a stupid concept, it has poor graphics and sound and looks like crap. But it's its simplicity and FUN factor that make it worth playing,.... I want to do the same thing.

So my question is, does anyone here know C#, and can you (other than pointing me to the XNA samples, which I have and the C# for Dummies, which I'm borrowing from a friend later, lol) give me some tips and pointers? At this point I just want to start simple and get the loading screen, title screen and a first working room going.

It would be really awesome if there was a way to transfer my Gamemaker game(s) to XNA style, but I've looked online and there is no converter. =( Because I'm pretty good at getting the Gamemaker style stuff to work properly for the most part.


Found a friend that knows Java pretty well, and has delved into C# some, so looking forward to getting some help hopefully this week!
I haven't done much programming since 2003 when I graduated from college (and got into IT support - only programming I do is VB6 for helper apps when useful) - but did you do any VB.NET programming? I've heard that they are similar (haven't tried myself), so picking it up may not be so bad. I may be wrong, but that is what I heard.
C# and Java are very similar languages, and C# itself is fairly straight forward and simple. Since you have C++ experience you should be able to pick up a lot pretty quickly.

stackoverflow.com is a great resource for programming questions, and there's a game development stack exchange site now. Also feel free to ask any questions you have on here. My C# is pretty good.


awesome. thakns guys! Been busy cleaning up my Quickbooks accounts this week and haven't had the brain strength to tackle anything yet, but I'll get to it soon. Played with the 4.0 dev kit a little and their platform sample, and found that while really simple for rearranging THEIR premade items, it really didn't show me how to CHANGE anything - yet!
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