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Calendar updates!




So the forum has a calendar now. I see it as an opportunity to add events of interest, such as upcoming movie openings, game releases, game events such as PAX or BlizzCon, conventions, etc.

So several people need to volunteer to add certain pieces of info to the calendar. For instance, Charlie Don't Surf might consider adding upcoming movie releases, and Shego might add WoW related events (in game, or RL), etc.

Of course if no one volunteers I'll just have to make assignments and bug you mercilessly.

bug bug bug





I'll be using it for podcast updates & stuff.




I tried to add in Towel Day, but I'm not sure if I got it right. It supposedly says it happens every May 25th and not just 2010's, but I don't see it there for 2011... dunno if it'll pop up once May 25th 2010 passes, though...


Fun Size

Fun Size

I put on all my dentist appointments, and as soon as I get the date, I'll add my next official colonoscopy. I'd add the unofficial ones, but I prefer it when they are a surprise.




I can set this to needing mod approval for adding calendar appointments. I'd prefer not to but I will if need be.


Fun Size

Fun Size

I was kidding Turbo. The last thing I need is Shego showing up to my colonoscopy.




The time listed next to the events is the user's local time, according to the control panel setting?




I'll be using it for podcast updates & stuff.
Pretty sure you're gonna have to eventually. It'll be far easier than cleaning up the vandalism one person can cause in a few bored hours of time.




Pretty sure you're gonna have to eventually. It'll be far easier than cleaning up the vandalism one person can cause in a few bored hours of time.

I think you Quoted the wrong thing :D
