I like Lil' Wayne, but I don't know why, to be honest. It started as a guilty pleasure, but his voice is very unique and soothing to me. I don't feel like (in the songs I am listening to) like I am being yelled at for listening to his music.
Grocery Bag
Can most often be found in a nonsense filled song and is usually used by a relatively unknown person who esteems to be a rapper but lacks the necessary talent, word knowlege, ACTUAL knowlege and rhyming ability to construct a rap verse that actually makes sense.
<3 Urban dictionary
Lil Wayne owns.
Gotta say I really hate that song...but it is really catchy.
Then again, I'm one of those people that stop turning the dial when Ke$ha is on. That bitch is so ingratiating that...I'm in love with her annoying glittery dumb crazy bitchiness.