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Calleja's Spring Break: Cancun Edition




So, guess who has two thumbs and will be traveling pretty much for free to Cancun on February 24th?


I'm pretty psyched cause

A) I've never been to Cancun (still considered one of the prettiest beaches on Earth, even though it's being slowly industrialized into a tourist metropolis more than a Caribbean beach)

and B) My friend who lives there tells me that although the "real" Spring Break is the next week in March, lots of schools start having Spring Break earlier than that and that I'm pretty much going for the "pre-spring break craze". He says it's more canadian girls and the same crazyness with less money.

Now the point of this thread, besides the "WOO!" sharing, is to ask how true is the fact that some schools start having Spring Break earlier. I'll be there from Feb 24th to March 1st, which, again, is not really the REAL spring break, but supposedly still means spring-breaker girls...




It's warm there. It's cold up North. Do you need any other reasons to go there and party? Girls can't get half naked (or totally naked) up North in the cold like they can there.

College girls. Drunk. On their own pretty much for the first time without mom & dad. Getting wild because they can.

I envy you, my Mexican friend.




DAMN... I just realized this means I'm going to have to postpone my tattoo appointment... I have it booked for the 18th, but it just hit me that you can't swim at ALL for 2 weeks after the tattooing. I wouldn't be exposed to the sun anyway, tattoo or not, but not being able to dip in the pool and talk to bikini-clad chicks while drinking beer is definitely a deal-breaker.

So you do know of schools that have Spring Break at the end of February, Turbo?




I'll just add for, y'know, bragging purposes, the following:

Top Spring Break Spots 2010


View attachment 308

Yeah, that's the water's actual color. I'm pretty psyched about this, I've been hearing how awesome Cancun is for almost 25 years now. My mom's brother lives there, got married there, and I *still* haven't got the chance to go myself. Add the crazy gringas Dave mentioned and I'm looking into a pretty gruesomely slow couple of weeks until the 24th arrives.





I'm too old for spring break so I know nothing about it. I'd be that creepy old guy leering at the young half naked girls.


General Specific

General Specific

This thread makes me sad. I never got to go on Spring Break. Partly because I never had many friends that were going somewhere, but mostly because I had a job and was putting myself through college and couldn't afford to take the time off. I got an inheritance when my Grandfather passed during a couple of the later years, but by then I was committed to working and just never took the opportunity.




I've been challenged to use the following "pick-up line" (which isn't, really):

"Nice shoes. Wanna fuck?"

I get a free bottle of my choice if it works and... probably a knee to the balls when it doesn't.





I've been challenged to use the following "pick-up line" (which isn't, really):

"Nice shoes. Wanna fuck?"

I get a free bottle of my choice if it works and... probably a knee to the balls when it doesn't.


Say it in spanish to a gringa, sounding all sexy. And then when she asks what you said, translate it with a wink. The humor factor will work in your favor. :)




It's too cold up here. You know what we call spring break? 'Skiing holiday'. That's right. We officially name it by a freeze-your-ass-off sport.

Goddammit I envy you.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Goddammit I envy you.
I don't.


I don't!

Have fun, you... you... grmflx! XP



Damn you lucky son of a bitch




Canadian schools do have their reading weeks at different times - it's not one set Spring Break week.




And Canadians are as wild during their reading week in Cancun as gringas are? :D




I asked a question, Canadian denizens of the board!




The long harsh winters of Canada make for significant amounts of cabin fever, when the pressures of being couped up for so long are interrupted by a "spring break", Canadians tend to relieve that tension with reckless abandon.




That.... that's the most beautiful answer I could have ever hoped for. *wipes a tear off his eye*

Now.. I need a DeLorean to jump forward to February 24th, the hours are CRAAAWLING since the trip became official. Not even Mass Effect 2 can pry me from the thought of spring breaking hard.




Alright, just finished packing my bag and I'm about to head over to my friend's where I'm sleeping over so we leave for the airport first thing in the morning. Cancun awaits me.

If I don't come back on Monday I may have died in a fiery plane crash or contracted a new and devastatingly fast STD. Don't feel bad for me, both ways are good ways to go in my book. :smug:

Have a good one, Halforums.


Chad Sexington


Aw, too bad, I'll be in Cancun *next* week (Starting on the 5th of March). Was going to go to Costa Rica but plans changed last minute. Could have had a chance to see if there really are other humans on Halforums, or if you're all just bots... or inside my mind.

Have fun!




That second picture has to be totally shopped. If not, I'm jealous. :) Have fun Sir.

Can't wait for my vacation in April, we're planning a cruise in the Caribbean. I'm looking forward to reading posts of your conquests. ^.^



Hope you have the trip of a lifetime Calleja........good luck with the gringas.....

And as a canadian I will have to agree with the above comments on cabin fever lol !



I'll just add for, y'know, bragging purposes, the following:

Top Spring Break Spots 2010


View attachment 308

Yeah, that's the water's actual color. I'm pretty psyched about this, I've been hearing how awesome Cancun is for almost 25 years now. My mom's brother lives there, got married there, and I *still* haven't got the chance to go myself. Add the crazy gringas Dave mentioned and I'm looking into a pretty gruesomely slow couple of weeks until the 24th arrives.

Yeah I drove there from PA with my wife (then girlfriend) and two other folks. The road trip was amazing, but even more amazing was the look of that water when we first arrived. No lie,you will be in shock with how warm the water is.

---------- Post added at 09:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:11 AM ----------

That second picture has to be totally shopped. If not, I'm jealous. :) Have fun Sir.

Can't wait for my vacation in April, we're planning a cruise in the Caribbean. I'm looking forward to reading posts of your conquests. ^.^

It's not shooped. I'll have to scan some pics of my trip there, but man that water always looks amazing.
