callistarya is in surgery

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at this moment. Please wish her well.

The hospital's 3 minutes away, so I came home to relax, rather than waiting in the waiting room for 2 hours. Those places drive me insane.
I assume they're doing the hysterectomy the "easy way?" If so she should be back on her feet pretty soon! Good luck!


I assume they're doing the hysterectomy the "easy way?" If so she should be back on her feet pretty soon! Good luck!
Under the lips and past the gums, look out uterus here I comes!
she's in a room..she did fine. She's grouchy, understandably, and tired. I came home to pick the kids up, get dinner going and that kind of thing.


Make sure to check her for fever over the next few days, just in Case. And give her a gentle kiss from me :)


Hey everyone! I'm home, dopey, and being held prisoner in bed. The body is not cooperating with what the mind wants. :) I do have this nifty lil pain med pump thingy that works nicely. Anywhoooo...just wanted to let you guys know I'm all good. Doc said everything went great and she had no troubles at all.

Thanks for all your well wishes, thoughts, and prayers. Wellll just...thanks for thinking of me. It means a lot. *sniff*

Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be in my bunk.....(thinking of what I'm gonna do to Tin in about 7 weeks and 5 days)
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