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Can you read dyslexic?



I ran across this during one of my random jaunts around cyberspace:

There were a few times when certain words tripped me up, but the fact that I could comprehend that at all is pretty nuts, methinks.




old is old but still inetrsetnig



Yeah, I could read that just like I could any paragraph. I remember stumbling on this a couple years ago, thanks for pointing it out again.




I've always found this really interesting, especially since I'm more of a linguistic/artist brain.




the slvier lnied moekny bolod cmae in vrey hdany one ftafeul day wehn I was smuomend beofre the hgih cuocnil for a haernig aoubt my sceret lvoe afafir wtih the drgaon qeuen hesrlef.




I get an email about this at least once a year. It's cool every time I read it though! Weird. I wonder how slow we would read if we weren't able to do this.


Rob King

Rob King

It's eevn ntaeer if you cmiomt to tiynpg like taht. Ilciranoly eugnoh, it's mroe dfilcufit to wtire tahn to raed.

Maybe I suck at it though. That's more difficult for me to read than the example in the OP.

On the whole, though, I'm more concerned that the kind of people that always forward this same email to me, are the people with horrible grammar and/or can't spell as it is. Perhaps they see it as something that excuses emalls taht lokk liek tihs!



Usually the folks that forward it to me are the ones that forward everything they get anyhow.


Rob King

Rob King

Usually the folks that forward it to me are the ones that forward everything they get anyhow.
I don't know how I managed it, but those people don't know my email address. I must have changed emails a few years back, and neglected to inform the habitual forwarders.

Anything good they had to say wasn't worth wading through the crap they sent me. I do occasionally get a message forwarded to me, but not on a regular basis. Maybe four or five in a year. Because of the low volume of forwards, I generally read them.

Life is good.



Sorry for posting a commonly-forwarded image, then.

It just seemed so interesting.



No worries mate, it's teh internets. Something brand new to you is old stuff to someone one IP over, and of course the vise is also versa. I like coming here to see folks react to things as much as to find new things too.

Well if the Drama is kinda on the low side...


Rob King

Rob King

Sorry for sounding like a dick, if I was. I wasn't trying to be discouraging. You will never hear me say 'old news is old' or any variant thereof.

I was more commenting on the people who [used to] inhabit my addressbook than judging your post :p



There's a useless 'a' in the first line and too many 'in's on the second line.

I think the 'a' should go between 'wouthit' and 'porbelm'

'Amzanighuh' is 2 words.



The Pumes

No matter how many times I read these of the different examples it always impresses me that our brain really is able to adapt on the fly like it does.




This should serve as proof that little children don't need to be constantly drilled in DIBELS all day, damnit.


Well, maybe not "proof," but some pretty cool research that supports the belief that kids need to see more than isolated phonemes over and over and over and over again...




Wow, it's almost as if your brain is designed to interpret the information it received and match it to known patterns... :eek:

the slvier lnied moekny bolod cmae in vrey hdany one ftafeul day wehn I was smuomend beofre the hgih cuocnil for a haernig aoubt my sceret lvoe afafir wtih the drgaon qeuen hesrlef.
So that's where the dragonborn come from... yuck.

Either this is wrong or i don't know the word. (is it meant to be irrationally?)



It's ironically




Of course it is...
