Canada Trip

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Anyone know if Sprint allows texts and calls to Canada? Like I know they do but are they normally included in the plan? I have a friend I used to play WoW with in Nova Scotia that I want to talk to, I guess we could use skype or vent. I am probably gonna go up and visit sometime with I have the money. I calculated it out to be about $600 in gas round trip... so I have to wait and get savings up heh.

Formerely "Question about text messages/calls across border?"
Question about text messages/calls across border?

$600 in gas? You might want to check into flying, it could be cheaper. Figure in the cost of your meals on the drive, hotel/lodging and all.
Question about text messages/calls across border?

Yeah its like 1800 each way miles at 22 miles to the gallon... I am not sure how much gas is up there or on the way. It's only $2.50 here but my buddy was in Chicago for a concert a couple months ago and it was like $6 bucks right by where the concert was... so it could be only like $400 if its about $2.50 the whole way.

But yeah I will have to see if it would be cheaper to fly. It was gonna be a couple of my friends going with me if I drove so that would help with the cost but I will check what the prices are to fly to Truro, NS or a near big airport.

Edit: $570 round trip to Halifax, NS (Priceline couldn't find Truro)
Question about text messages/calls across border?

HoboNinja said:
Yeah its like 1800 each way miles at 22 miles to the gallon... I am not sure how much gas is up there or on the way. It's only $2.50 here but my buddy was in Chicago for a concert a couple months ago and it was like $6 bucks right by where the concert was... so it could be only like $400 if its about $2.50 the whole way.

But yeah I will have to see if it would be cheaper to fly. It was gonna be a couple of my friends going with me if I drove so that would help with the cost but I will check what the prices are to fly to Truro, NS or a near big airport.

Edit: $570 round trip to Halifax, NS (Priceline couldn't find Truro)
Not bad, especially when you start figuring in the other costs with driving, (meals, snacks, overnight stay or two...), plus the cost of your time in travel.
Question about text messages/calls across border?

Well we weren't going to stay overnight, it was going to be at least 2-3 of us going if not 4 so we would take turns driving and sleeping. But yeah considering it will take like 28 hours to get there it might be better for me to just fly.
Question about text messages/calls across border?

That was part of what we looked at with our last big vacation (two years ago, another summer 2010), the time that it would take to actually drive. It would have been two long days in the car, or 3 hours on a plane, for about the same cost. But the main difference was 8 days vs 6 days at Disney World Florida, those two extra days at the destination were well worth it.
Question about text messages/calls across border?

I love roadtrips, and if you have people to split gas, it's a lot more nicely priced.

Also Canada rules, but I have no idea about your cell phone provider. (My provider, at least, offers free texting anywhere in the world, but calls are charged long distance; dunno if that's universal.)
Question about text messages/calls across border?

I will have to find the bill tomorrow and see if it says on there otherwise I will just go ask at the sprint store up the street.

I am going to change the title to Canada trip because the thread has kinda changed.

I may just end up driving with friends for the fun of a road trip... plus yeah idk... This is a friend on WoW that I have never actually met... So they could try to murder me lol so friends would be good.
Gotta take the clan for backup.

-- Mon Aug 10, 2009 9:42 pm --

oh, to answer, 15 cents per text message sent/received while in Canada, even if on an unlimited plan. Phone calls will be billed as roaming with applicable long distance/international charges.
Gusto said:
So where in Canada are you going?
Depends on when I get the money, she is going to Mt. Allison in Sackville/Moncton, NB for University but if I go up during winter break she will be back in Truro, NS.

So one of those two places, and we will probably stop in Toronto, Montreal and Quebec on the way up or back if we drive.
HoboNinja said:
Gusto said:
So where in Canada are you going?
Depends on when I get the money, she is going to Mt. Allison in Sackville/Moncton, NB for University but if I go up during winter break she will be back in Truro, NS.

So one of those two places, and we will probably stop in Toronto, Montreal and Quebec on the way up or back if we drive.
If you are visiting in winter, fly to NB and drive to Mt Allison, or fly to Halifax and drive to Truro. You will want to avoid the Cobequoid Pass at all costs if you can during winter.

And driving throught Quebec during Winter isn't much fun either, especially now that snow tires are mandatory. Nice little ticket if they catch you without them, even if you are just passing through.

Simplest way really is to fly to Halifax, rent a car and drive the 35 min to Truro on only 1 stretch of divided highway. No tolls, no lane changes, no fuss.
Chippy said:
She's not going to fuck you.

M'kay. Job's done for the day.
I wasn't under the assumption she would asshole.

I should have just left it gender neutral like my first few posts, I knew some asshole would chime in like you.

HCGLNS said:
If you are visiting in winter, fly to NB and drive to Mt Allison, or fly to Halifax and drive to Truro. You will want to avoid the Cobequoid Pass at all costs if you can during winter.

And driving throught Quebec during Winter isn't much fun either, especially now that snow tires are mandatory. Nice little ticket if they catch you without them, even if you are just passing through.

Simplest way really is to fly to Halifax, rent a car and drive the 35 min to Truro on only 1 stretch of divided highway. No tolls, no lane changes, no fuss.
Hmm may just wait till spring then, I kind of wanted the experience of a road trip with my buddies.
HoboNinja said:
Chippy said:
She's not going to fuck you.

M'kay. Job's done for the day.
I wasn't under the assumption she would asshole.

I should have just it gender neutral like my first few posts, I knew some asshole would chime in like you.
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