An interesting article on the results of an election in Canada, where to my reading, the court said that it's more important for a vote to be counted than for every procedural "T" crossed and "i" dotted.
To me this proves that anybody will try and get votes thrown out to their advantage, regardless of political bent.
When the vote is this close, though (~50 votes out of 50,000) then honestly you could flip a coin. Half the people who voted wanted one, the other half the other, and while it does change the direction of the government, when you're talking about such a small margin I'd be more tempted to make it random.
Once people get it in their head that they were robbed due to irregularities, they don't seem to let it go.
In fact, make it a rule - if the election is closer than 0.5% vote difference between the candidates, flip a coin. That will encourage people to vote because it may be their vote that pushes their candidate out of that tiny range.
There were a terrible amount of Conservative seat wins in Canada in that last election due to "irregularities".
Of course, the ones in charge of investigating are the Conservative government.